Howard Stern's EW Interview

Howard Stern tells Entertainment Weekly he wishes more of his fans followed him over to Sirius satellite radio.
"I was just at my psychiatrist and I said, `I just got great news: We hit the 4 million mark. And I'm angry. It should be 20 million,"' Stern says.
"It's insulting to me that everyone hasn't come with me. I take it personally," he says.
"I want to say to my audience ... `You haven't come with me yet? How dare you? We're up to wild, crazy stuff, the show has never sounded better. You cheap bastard!"'


posted by jc @ 5:57 PM, No comment,

WeekEnder: March 26- April 1

Seacrest Not Out?
Ryan Seacrest always takes a lot of shit for his metrosexuality. Many suggest he's gay. But, the above picture could put an end to all that. As you can see
US Weekly caught Seacrest kissing Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher. Seacrest appeared on The Tonight Show Thursday night, but dodged all questions about a possible relationship. American Idol judge Simon Cowell tells Good Day L.A. that it's likely just a publicity stunt. In other American Idol news, Paula Abdul has signed on for another three years with the show.
Quick Hits
American journalist Jill Carroll released unharmed after three months held hostage in Iraq. DE Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner started a show on CNBC. The show scored a 0.0 rating! A rating so low that it couldn't be measured. DE Yanni will not be charged with domestic battery. The singer was arrested on March 3 for allegedly grabbing, shaking and jumping on his girlfriend. DE Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons and his wife of seven years, Kimora Lee Simmons, have split. They have been separated for some time, although they still lived together. DE Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been charged with throwing a cell phone at her housekeeper.
Did You Know?
Before Ryan Seacrest made it big nationally, he was a dater on Blind Date. He actually brought his lady to see where he does his radio show. She was very impressed.
Song of the Week Anberlin "Paperthin Hymn"


posted by jc @ 10:28 AM, No comment,

Houston, We Have A Problem

The most talented singer on the planet may just be one more fix away from a deadly overdose. Whitney Houston's sister-in-law, Tina Brown, is speaking out in today's London Sun in the hopes of getting Whitney some help. “The truth needs to come out. Whitney won’t stay off the drugs. It’s every single day. It’s so ugly. Everyone is so scared she is going to overdose,” Tina said. Tina says Whitney has blown most of her money on crack. Tina says, when she's high, she punches and bites herself without realizing it. She's lost all of her teeth. Whitney also allegedly "uses sex toys to satisfy herself and ignores personal hygiene." Tina says Whitney has been so wasted on drugs that she's wet herself. All this behavior is frightening to Whitney's 13-year-old daughter, but still Whitney refuses to get any help.


posted by jc @ 12:48 PM, No comment,

Karn OUT, O'Hurley IN

In the second syndicated shake-up of the day, Dancing With the Stars champion John O'Hurley will begin hosting the Family Feud this September, according to TV Week. Home Improvement's Richard Karn has been hosting the show, but he's done after this season. O'Hurley hosted the short-lived and low-rated To Tell The Truth game show for two seasons before it was cancelled in 2002. It seems producers think O'Hurley's recent popularity will help with ratings. The 2006-07 season of Feud will also feature a new set.


posted by jc @ 6:18 PM, No comment,

War of Words on The View

It seems Star Jones' favorite subject is Star Jones. The View co-host loves talking about herself and her new marriage. But her narcissism seems to be wearing thin even with her fellow co-hosts. Yesterday, Jones called in to talk about her recent breast surgery. As she went on and on, Joy Behar appeared to grow increasingly irritated. After a while Joy had had enough, saying, "Ok Star. That's enough about you. On to us. Bye!" Then, Joy was bleeped when she said, "Keep your (breasts) perky!" Jones said, "I'm glad to see you haven't changed. Even today you are still a bitch!" With that, Jones was apruptly cut off. The View says they were just teasing each other, but it did not seem like it.

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posted by jc @ 2:53 PM, No comment,

Judge Mablean Benched!

After seven seasons on Divorce Court, Judge Mablean is off the show. Starting this fall, she'll be replaced by Judge Lynn Toler according to The Hollywood Reporter. You may remember Toler was the second judge on the short-lived Power of Attorney, also by Twentieth Television. No word on whether Mablean was fired or if she's moving on to better things. Personally, I think Judge Mablean is the reason Divorce Court still gets good ratings after seven years. She's the face of the show. She's built a following and replacing her with a judge who's already unsuccessfully hosted a court show is a recipe for cancellation.


posted by jc @ 2:53 PM, No comment,

Hollywood Player

That 70's Show star Wilmer Valderrama was quite candid on Howard Stern this morning. He said he dated Linday Lohan for more than a year, but the rumor that he dumped her for Ashlee Simpson is not true. He said he also dated Mandy Moore and took her virginity! Wilmer also admitted to being with Jennifer Love Hewitt, but said rumored loves Jessica Alba and Rosaria Dawson were just that. Rumors.


posted by jc @ 9:30 PM, No comment,

Extreme Wish List

When ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition started, the show made over homes for anyone. But now, only families with extreme stories of woe are featured. And that's no accident according to a memo unearthed by The Smoking Gun. Seems only tragedies make for good ratings. The memo was sent by a producer to executives of ABC stations looking for particular maladies or tragedies to feature on the air. As the Smoking Gun notes, the tone of the email seems a bit insensitive based on the subject matter. Here's a few highlights:

We are open to any and ALL stories ideas but are especially looking for the following:
* Family who has a child with PROGERIA ("little old man disease")
* Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, referred to as CIPA by the few people who know about it. (There are 17 known cases in the US - let me know if one is in your town!)
* Home invasion - family robbed, house messed up (vandalized) - kids fear safety in their home now

As the Smoking Gun puts it, it is a rather "creepy wish list of woe." At least the show aims to help those who need it the most.


posted by jc @ 4:55 PM, No comment,

Week Ender: March 19-25

Tony Danza: Cancelled
Poor Tony Danza. His talk show never had a chance in the crowded world of syndicated television. On his show Friday, Danza said he was unable to get a New York clearance for a third season. That means he'll have to pack it in at the end of this season. It seems stations are opting for Rachael Ray's new talk show next fall. "We are going to finish real strong and enjoy what we have left," Danza said. Danza has been at the bottom of the ratings all season. Meanwhile, Everybody Loves Raymond's Patricia Heaton is in negotiations for her own talk show to start in 2007. That will work out perfect. When Rachael Ray is cancelled, Heaton can take her place.
South Punk'd?
Thanks to all the controversy over Isaac Hayes leaving South Park the show scored 3.5 million viewers for its Wednesday season premiere. The most for a season premiere since 2002. But, could this all be a publicity stunt? Did he really mean to quit the show? FOX News reports that Hayes suffered a stroke in January and is in "no condition to quit anything." The rumor is someone quit the show for him.
Spring Break Broken
Someone in MTV's programming department should be fired. If not for My Super Sweet 16, than definitely for this. For years, MTV has aired Spring Break in a weekend long marathon. The beauty of it was, you could tune in at anytime on the weekend and catch Spring Break hijinx. Not this year. Instead, MTV aired spring break shows at 11 at night at a time when no one wants to watch them. And, talk about lazy. TRL stayed in their studio in New York. The set was decorated with fake palm trees and a cabana. That's a far cry from a real beach with a real ocean, MTV.
Quick Hits
Drew Lachey's wife, Lea, delivered a baby girl on Thursday. // So long to Kevin a.k.a. "Chicken Little." The geeky American Idol was voted off the show this week, despite an online campaign by
Quote of the Week
"The hardest thing for me to do is not say 'you fucking moron, take the money right now!'" -- Howie Mandel on Stern talking about what he'd like to say to some guests on Deal or No Deal
Song of the Week
"Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor


posted by jc @ 3:51 PM, No comment,

St. Louis Radio Host Fired Over Racial Slip

David Lenihan has been fired after only two weeks on the air at KTRS in St. Louis. He was praising Condoleezza Rice when he said, "She loves football. She's African-American, which would kind of be a big coon. A big coon…Oh my God. I am totally, totally, totally, totally, totally sorry for that. Okay? I didn't mean that. That was just a slip of the tongue." Lenihan, who's a huge supporter of Rice, says he meant to say 'coup' for the NFL. The station didn't care and fired him. Lenihan appeared on the Howard Stern show this morning to make it clear that he just slipped up. Everyone on the show agreed he was fired over nothing. "Your comments have no indication that you're a racist," Stern said. Stern also encouraged him to stick up for himself. "I would be breaking out in hives if this happened to me," Stern said. "We support you. It's a lot of bullshit what they're doing to you, David."

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posted by jc @ 1:55 PM, No comment,

Chef Returns to South Park

It's been a while since I've watched South Park. With all the controversy about Isaacs Hayes leaving, I had to catch the season 10 premiere. Especially since it was titled, "The Return of Chef." It began with Chef taking off to the "Super Adventure Club." The kids were sad, but Chef quickly returns. But, he's different. He talks dirty to the children. (Chef does have his voice, but Trey Parker and Matt Stone mashed together parts of Isaacs Hayes' old bites to create his "new" voice. Hilarious.) The school is worried that Chef is a pedophile, so the boys bring him to a strip club to get him attracted to women again. It works, but the guys from the "Super Adventure Club" zap him with a dart and kidnap him. The club turns out to be child molestor club. The boys show up at club headquarters and win Chef over, but then he decides to go back to the club. As he crosses a bridge to go back to the club, it snaps. Chef falls and is eaten by animals. The boys hold a funeral for Chef, but the child molestors are trying to bring life back to Chef. Chef seems to be back, looking and talking like Darth Vader. So, will Chef return to South Park? We'll just have to keep watching.


posted by jc @ 10:14 PM, No comment,

Dog The Bounty Hunter Season Three

Dog the Bounty Hunter is the highest rated show of all time on A&E and it's back for its third season. If you haven't seen it, the show focuses on bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman and his family who hunt down fugitives in Hawaii. The season opener was by far the best episode yet. The crew left Hawaii for San Francisco and teamed up with local police for one of the most intense hunts yet. They were chasing a $75,000 bond who happened to be Hawaii's most wanted fugitive. If they didn't catch him in three days, they'd have to pay the bond themselves. First, they traced him to a local football team, but he wasn't at practice. The team manager said he did not know where the suspect was. Then, they went to the suspect's house but only found angry family members and a cousin they took in on a warrant. Finally, after lots of letdowns, it was time for the bust. Dog, his crew and armed police moved in on a house where a pickup truck was driving out. They blocked the pickup with their cars. Sitting inside the truck was their man! Dog and his men threw the suspect on the ground and arrested him. Also under arrest, the team manager who claimed he did not know where the suspect was. Turns out, the liar was employing the suspect to work on a house. All new episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter air Tuesdays at 9PM/EST on A&E.


posted by jc @ 10:17 AM, No comment,

Joan Rivers on

Proving that you're never too rich or too old for love, Joan Rivers has created a profile with The 72-year-old comedian says she's hoping to find Mr. Right. Rivers profile lists her as looking for a man between the ages of 65 and 75. The queen of the red carpet is not looking for marriage. She was last married to British producer Edgar Rosenberg, who committed suicide in 1987. How about children? Her profile answer under the children section says "probably not." By the way, Joan Rivers proves that she's a great sport as she lends her voice to a hilarious new Arby's commercial.


posted by jc @ 5:53 PM, No comment,

The Surreal Life/Hogan Knows Best Return

The Surreal Life
The sorta celebs are back for season six of Vh1's The Surreal Life. This season's housemates: actor Sherman Hemsley, gender bender Alexis Arquette, Smash Mouth frontman Steve Harwell, Playboy playmate Andrea Lowell, Poison guitarist CC Deville, former model Tawny Kitaen and some wrestler named Maven from the WWE. And, Florence Henderson appears every show, but doesn't stay in the house. The highlight of episode one: the look on everyone's face when Alexis Arquette walked in. Gotta say, this year's "celebrities" are not as exciting as years past.
Hogan Knows Best
In the season two opener of Hogan Knows Best, Hulk's 17-year-old daughter Brooke is tired of her parents interfering in her life. So, she takes off to a beach house with a friend for a couple days. This doesn't go over well with the Hulkster, so he and wife Linda dress in black and drive to the house to see what's going on. Day one, nothing bad. The next day, Hulk buys a high tech hearing device that can pick up sounds from a football field away. Hulk and a friend take a boat outside the beach house and use the gear to hear what's going on. Hulk isn't happy because the girls are having a party. Then, Hulk gets a guy to pose as an air conditioner repairman to see what's going on. The guy finds Brooke's birth control pills and tells Hulk, who has a fit. Linda calms Hulk down by explaining that most teen girls use the pills to calm the pain of a period. Based on this episode, it looks like the new seaosn wil not be a disappointment.
Flavor of Love Reunion
In other VH1 news, there will be a Flavor of Love reunion in two weeks. Remember when Pumpkin spit on New York? That triggered a fight on the show and things will get physical again when they reunite for this special.


posted by jc @ 8:51 PM, No comment,

Imus Producer Slams David Lee Roth

Former rocker David Lee Roth took over Howard Stern's timeslots on the East Coast when he left for satellite. Roth's ratings are in the toilet and there are rumors of cancellation. Adding insult to injury, Don Imus' longtime producer, Bernard McGuirk, is lashing out against Roth. “I hear from inside sources that he’s just a miserable schmuck and, no, he’s not going to last - nor should he,” Bernard McGuirk tells the Boston Herald. “He doesn’t do a good job, he’s a prima-donna rocker,” McGuirk said. “People are trying to give him constructive advice and he flips them the bird. It’s just not going to work.” “I heard a tape of his first day,” McGuirk added. “I’d rather listen to a tape of Star Jones passing wind.”

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posted by jc @ 4:17 PM, No comment,

WeekEnder: March 12-18

Each week, This Just In will offer a brief recap of the week that was.
Screw Singing
Remember twin brother one hit wonders Evan and Jaron? They sang that song, "Crazy For This Girl." It seems they've dropped out of the music biz BUT have resurfaced on ABC's American Inventor. During Thursday's premiere, the brothers pitched an idea for some sort of dish that separates olives/cherries from their pits. The judges actually liked their idea and they got through to the next round. By the way, this show is a total rip of American Idol. Maybe that's okay since it's EP-ed by Simon Cowell.
Media Hulk
It seems Hulk Hogan stopped by every show on his New York press tour this week. Regis & Kelly, The Big Idea, TRL and Howard Stern were just the appearances I caught. Why so much press? To promote the new season of Hogan Knows Best on VH1.
People in Glass Houses
Gossip columnist Cindy Adams spreads more rumors and talks more smack about celebrities than anyone. But who is she to judge based on appearances on The Today Show and The View this week. On both shows, she sat with her two tiny dogs (who were clothed) saying that her dogs are better than having a man.
Quick Hits
Sirius radio launches new channels including the Blue Collar Comedy, Cosmo, and Playboy channels. // Unlike most actresses her age (i.e. Lindsay Lohan) Amanda Bynes shows that show biz has not gotten to her, saying there's no need for her act or dress provocative. // On Howard Stern, Simon Cowell predicted the top three singers for this year's American Idol: Chris Daughtry, Taylor Hicks and Kellie Pickler.


posted by jc @ 10:17 PM, No comment,

Press Your Luck Host Dies

Remember that 80's game show Press Your Luck? Its host, Peter Tomarken, and his wife, Kathleen, were killed Monday in a plane crash in California. The Tomarken's were on their way to San Diego to pick up a cancer patient when the pilot reported engine trouble and crashed into the ocean. The Game Show network will air a daylong marathon of Press Your Luck this Sunday as a tribute.


posted by jc @ 11:28 AM, No comment,

Sirius Satellite Radio

If you're on the fence about getting satellite radio, this may convince you. I'll be the first to admit it. When satellitle radio first came out I thought, who would ever paid for radio. Of course, that's probably what people said when cable TV first came out. All this talk about Howard Stern going to Sirius sparked my interest. The long commute listening to the same garbage on the radio made me sign up. It really is like cable for your car. Besides Stern, there's a ton of music channels ranging from Sirius Hits 1 and Alt Nation to Shade 45 (rap) and Outlaw Country. Not to mention, three comedy channels, FOX/CNN news, the E! channel, a bunch of sports channels. The list goes on and on. All this PLUS no commercials on the music channels and most of it is uncensored. One of the many great things: you hear songs that you haven't heard in years because they aren't played on the radio anymore. So, if you're tired of all the repetition and censorship of terrestrial radio, you may want to consider satellite.

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posted by jc @ 12:22 AM, No comment,

Stern Slames Moonves on His Own Network

This was just classic. The president of CBS, trashed on his own network! Howard Stern is pissed with Les Moonves for filing a frivolous lawsuit against him. So, he's embarked on the "I Hate Les Moonves Tour." His tour made a stop to the Late Show last night. Stern came out wearing a shirt with Moonves' picture on it which said, "I Hate Les Moonves." He told Dave, "You are working presently for one of the biggest jerks on the planet." Stern said Moonves stopped by his last show on terrestrial radio to thank him for his years of work and even said he had bought Sirius. So, Stern wonders, what's with the lawsuit? "I'm not going to be bullied. I'm not going to let Leslie Moonves do to me what he did to Dan Rather," Stern told Letterman. He also challenged Letterman to have Moonves on the show to debate him. Letterman said Moonves was called, but he declined. Big props to Letterman for having the guts to go through with this interview.

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posted by jc @ 12:22 AM, No comment,

Isaac Hayes Quits South Park

South Park will never be the same. Isaacs Hayes, soulful singer and the longtime voice of Chef on South Park, says he is done with the show. Hayes, who is a Scientologist, says he can no longer stomach the show's take on religion. "There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins," Hayes said. South Park co-creator Matt Stone says, "he's cashed plenty of checks - with our show making fun of Christians." Stone says he never heard a peep out of Hayes until they made fun of Scientology. "He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin," Stone said.


posted by jc @ 4:47 PM, No comment,

Tuna, Check. Powdered Milk, Check.

Remember when Homeland Security urged us to stock up on duct tape and cover our windows in case of a chemical attack? Well, here we go again! Over the weekend, Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt said Americans should start storing canned tuna and powdered milk under their beds in case of a bird flu outbreak in the United States. Why under the bed? In case other overly paranoid civilians break in to steal your stockpile? The Bush administration. Scaring kids and old ladies. One at the time.

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posted by jc @ 1:44 PM, No comment,

Failure To Launch

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Parker, Terry Bradshaw, Kathy Bates
About: What I thought was going to be an average (unfunny) romantic comedy, actually turned out to be funny at times. McConaughey stars as the thirtysomething Tripp who's still living under his parents (Bradshaw, Bates) roof. His parents hire Paula (SJP) to pose as a serious girlfriend. Their hope is to get him so attached to the girl that he moves out. But, predicatably she falls in love. Then, she feels guilty for taking his parents money and tries to prove to Tripp that she really does have feelings for him (as a entire coffee shop full of people watches). Plot problems: predictability and we don't fall in love with any of the main characters. What really saves Failure to Launch are some unexpected laughs. Terry Bradshaw bares all in his "naked room" and one of Trip's friends gives mouth-to-mouth to a bird he just shot. More of a rental, then a must-see at the theatre.



posted by jc @ 4:22 AM, No comment,

Popular Boston Radio Host A Mob Target?

A former enforcer for fugitive mobster James "Whitey" Bulger claims he once tried to kill Boston Herald columnist and radio talk show host Howie Carr. In an interview to be broadcast Sunday on "60 Minutes," Kevin Weeks says he and Bulger decided to kill Carr because he constantly wrote and spoke about their crimes. Weeks says that after he and Bulger abandoned a plan to put an exploding basketball in Carr's driveway, they decided to shoot him. They never went through with it. Carr acknowledges the possibility that Weeks may have tried to kill him, but believes Bulger was more likely to commit such a bold crime. (Courtesy: Associated Press)


posted by jc @ 1:25 AM, No comment,

An Idol Falls Too Soon

This is some BULLSHIT! Sure, I'm definitely biased because Ayla Brown lives two towns over, BUT she did not deserve to get voted off American Idol this early. Especially when it was down to her and the girl whose singing voice could cut through glass. I have three theories about why it may have happened so soon. First, her song choice was bad. Her voice is much stronger than the Natasha Bedingfield song she picked. Second, people may have thought she was a shoe-in, so why vote? Third, she was portrayed as being privileged. Does the average American want to vote for a girl with a full scholarship that has two powerful parents? Maybe people couldn't identify with her. Whatever the reason, Ayla Brown should still be on American Idol because she is far more talented than half the girls that made it through. So, who should win now? My vote is for Taylor Hicks. He's in it for the music and is a great performer.


posted by jc @ 9:47 PM, No comment,

Sad News From The Stern Show

Longtime wack packer Cliff Palette (left) from the Howard Stern show has died. His mother, Amber, made the announcement on the show this morning. The crew had just spoken with Cliff on Monday, when he said he wasn't feeling well. Cliff's mother said she went to bring him to the hospital when he collapsed. Paramedics couldn't revive him. He apparently died of blood cancer. Fellow wackpacker High Pitch Eric called in to say Cliff was a "true gentleman." Stern said, "Cliff Palette might have been my favorite wack packer."

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posted by jc @ 5:05 PM, No comment,

Trump's View on His Daughter

There's nothing on at 11 in the morning, so I was channel surfing when I came upon Donald Trump and his daughter, Ivanka, on The View on Monday. The women asked the Don how he would react if he found out his daughter posed for Playboy. He replied, "It would be really disappointing - not really - but it would depend on what's inside the magazine." And added, "I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." View co-host Joy Behar cracked, "Who are you? Woody Allen?" Is Trump so desperate for ratings that he'll say ANYTHING?


posted by jc @ 12:36 PM, No comment,


MTV, Mondays 10pm/ET

Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.

If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.

Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.


The Daily Edition blog brings you the stories you'll be talking about at the water cooler. Follow The Daily Edition on Twitter: @JCers.

Web This Blog


The Trisha Goodard Show and The Steve Harvey Show have both been renewed for second seasons. Renewal is not looking promising for Jeff Probst and Ricki Lake.

The Bill Cunningham Show has been renewed for a third season.

Howard Stern has signed on for a second season of America's Got Talent.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her first child.

Anderson Cooper's talk show, "Anderson Live," has been cancelled due to low ratings. New shows will air thru summer 2013.

Arsenio Hall will return to the world of syndicated late night tv talk in 2013.

HBO has renewed "Veep" and "Girls" for second seasons.



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