Celebrity Duets

It's time for Simon Cowell to take a break. He's great on AMERICAN IDOL but he should stick to what he does best. All of these IDOL hybrid shows he's producing are simply second-rate. Tonight's debut of CELEBRITY DUETS is proof of that. The show pairs celebs known for their singing up with celebs not known for carrying a tune. I'll admit, the results are somewhat amusing. But this show is a rip of AMERICAN IDOL, just as AMERICA's GOT TALENT was. Same-looking intro. Same-looking set. Two male judges. One female judge. It's all getting bland. I think Cowell may be shooting himself in the foot with all these shows. If there are so many AMERICAN IDOL-like shows airing year-round, who needs to watch the real thing come January?


posted by jc @ 12:04 AM, No comment,

Fall Daytime TV Preview

If you haven't gotten your fill of court shows or talk shows, then this fall is for you. Two new court shows and three new talk shows are starting up in September. New in the court genre, we have CRISTINA'S COURT and JUDGE MARIA LOPEZ. Judge Cristina Perez presided over the Spanish-speaking LA CORTE DE FAMILIA on Telemundo for several years. Now she'll give it a try in English. Controversial Massachusetts judge Maria Lopez presides over her own self-titled Sony show. Lopez was criticized for her courtroom behavior and some of her rulings in Massachusetts. Nevertheless, she's back on the bench for a half-hour show.
Fresh off a run on WILL & GRACE Megan Mullally is going to jump into the crowded talk show arena with THE MEGAN MULLALLY SHOW. The show, no surprise, will feature celebrity guests and air mostly on NBC stations. Then, we have the DR. KEITH ABLOW SHOW, airing on many FOX stations. You may know Dr. Keith as the bald-headed therapist from THE TYRA BANKS SHOW. Now, he's got his own talker aimed at helping people. Greg Behrendt (below) also wants to help people. You may know this comedian from his book, "He's Just Not That Into You." THE GREG BEHRENDT SHOW promises to focus on all kinds of relationships.

Other changes: Judge Mablean is OUT on DIVORCE COURT. Judge Lynn Toler is IN. Say goodbye to Richard Karn on THE FAMILY FEUD. He's being replaced by actor/dancer John O'Hurley. By the way, have a look at the huge new set for the Feud:
All these new shows means we have to say goodbye to some favorites: THE TONY DANZA SHOW, ELIMIDATE, STARTING OVER, and BLIND DATE.
Premiere Dates:

Cristina's Court, Judge Maria Lopez, Dr. Keith Ablow, Greg Behrendt (Sept. 12)
Megan Mulally, Rachael Ray


posted by jc @ 4:33 PM, No comment,

WeekEnder: August 20-26

Scientists demoted the planet Pluto this week. The International Astronamical Union shook up the solar system Thursday when it declared that Pluto was no longer part of the cosmic club. It was the first time the solar system was altered since Pluto was spotted in 1930. Under new guidelines, Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet.
In other demotions news, the Boston television market is no longer the fifth largest market in the country. It's down to number seven. San Francisco is now number five and Dallas is number six. The high cost of living is being blamed for people departing Boston. Dallas likely gained because many of those displaced after Hurricane Katrina sought shelter in Texas.

Move over Snoop Dogg. Elton John is entering the world of hip hop. Yes, that Elton John. The singer tells Rolling Stone he'll be busting out some rhymes on his next album. The music legend says he hopes to work with none other than Dr. Dre. John does admit that it could be a disaster.
SONG... "Do It Alone" - Sugarcult
QUOTE... "I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good." - Paris Hilton on her new album


posted by jc @ 1:34 PM, No comment,

Best Sandwich Ever

My girlfriend and I had the privilege of spending a couple of days on Cape Cod this week. It was in the town of Hyannis that we came upon the restaurant Box Lunch. Wanting to try something besides my standard tuna melt, I ordered the Porkey Goes Hawaiian. This wrap comes with ham, three melted cheeses, tomatoes, onion's, a delicious dressing and pineapple. PINEAPPLE in a wrap! This is by far THE BEST sandwich I have ever eaten. Next time you visit the Cape, be sure to stop by Box Lunch and try this one out.

posted by jc @ 1:07 PM, No comment,

Segregated Survivor

Here's a sure sign that SURVIVOR is running low on ideas. The show is separating contestants based on race for its upcoming season. Whites on one team. Blacks on another. It may not be 1950, but producers of the long-running CBS reality show seem to think segregation is a good idea. Of course, the move is already being criticized (as well it should be). "The truth is 80 percent of the people that apply are white. And television, in general, is white. So all these criticisms were valid," says host Jeff Probst. CBS says this is a creative decision and it trusts its producers to be responsible. Sounds like all of this is just one big publicity stunt to increase the ratings of an aging show.


posted by jc @ 4:27 PM, No comment,

Cartoon Cigarettes Banned!

Barney Rubble is going to have to get a nictotine patch. A British television station is snuffing out smoking in cartoons after ONE complaint from a watchdog organization. The group said it got a complaint from someone about two episode of Tom & Jerry where cartoons characters are lighting up. The episodes are more than 50 years old. The sole complaint was enough for the children's channel Boomerang. Stations reps say smoking scenes from two Tom & Jerry cartoons have been cut out. What's worse, the stations president says: "We have now pledged to view Boomerang's entire library of favorite cartoons and remove all other references that could be seen as glamorizing smoking in all our shows." The Jetsons, Scooby-Doo and The Flinstones are now all on the cutting room floor in London. Do people not realize that these are cartoons? Drawings? NOT REAL! File under: political correctness run amuck (yet again).


posted by jc @ 12:50 PM, No comment,

William Shatner Roast

Yet another brilliant Comedy Central Roast last night. Just when you thought they couldn't top last year's roast of Pam Anderson, along comes this year's roast of William Shatner. Jason Alexander led the pack of roasters which included Betty White, Farrah Fawcett, Artie Lange, George Takei, Andy Dick and Greg Giraldo. As the promos said "the shat hit the fan." This was a wild one as Andy Dick licked just about everyone. As always the queen of the roast, Lisa Lampanelli, killed. Here's some hilarious quotes from the show.
"Our next guest is the only person on the stage who's fucked all four of the Marx brothers...Ms. Betty White!" - Jason Alexander introduces Betty White
"It always makes me laugh when I see Artie Lange onstage...knowing I'm going to outlive him." - Betty White on Artie Lange"
"Look at you Shatner. You've let yourself boldly go. You went from Captain Kirk to Captain Crunch." - comedian Jeffrey Ross on Shatner's weight
"Speaking of Shatner. Betty White just shat in her pants." - Jeffrey Ross
"Bill and I have a lot in common. Bill was on TJ Hooker and I once banged a hooker named TJ." - Artie Lange
"All night I've had to stare at the messy...clump of hair. Farrah please close your legs. At least Betty White had the decency to shave." - George Takei referring to Shatner's toupee
"I can finally say what I've been waiting 40 years to say: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!" - Takei to Shatner
"They call her the boss because 45 guys can fit inside her at once." - Jason Alexander on Lisa Lampanelli
"Jack-o-lanterns last longer in the fall than your shows." - Lampanelli on Alexander
"As a singer he is beyond compare. When Elton John heard Shatner sing Rocketman, he spit George Takei's dick out of his mouth." - Lampanelli
"Being Japanese and gay has its benefits. You can bow down to say hello and take it in the ass at the same time." -Lampanelli
"Jeff Ross is so unlikable, that on MySpace even Tom won't be his friend!" - Lampanelli
"Betty White's original name was Betty Black but she got so old she faded." - Lampanelli
"Betty White is so old that on her first game show, the grand prize was fire." - Lampanelli
"William Shatner's ball bag hangs so low he has to hold it when he takes a shit." - Lampanelli
"Andy Dick is so gay, his chapstick is cock flavored." - Lampanelli
"Andy Dick is so gay, he thinks Margaret Cho is funny." - Lampanelli
"The guy's been trying to suck my cock for 40 years. George, for the last time, I will not let you suck my cock!" - Shatner to Takei
"Usually when I see a face like yours, it has a bag of oats hanging from it." - Shatner to Jeff Ross
"Farrah, you really should stay out of the sun. You're skin looks so much like fried chicken that Nichelle's mouth is watering." - Shatner to Farrah Fawcett


posted by jc @ 12:13 AM, No comment,

WeekEnder: August 13-19

Film critic Roger Ebert says he looks forward to getting back to work. Ebert has been battling cancer at a Chicago hospital for two months. "I don't have a crystal ball, so I can't tell you when, but I sure look forward to being back on the movie beat," he said in a statement Thursday.

- After 10 years, a suspect is arrested in the murder of six-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey. This week, John Mark Karr held a press conference saying he was there when she was killed. This may all be a hoax. His ex-wife claims he was with her and the family for Christmas 1996.
- Yanni tells Howard Stern he lost his virginity in a whore house in Greece when he was only 14 years old.
T.I. - "Why U Wanna"
"You think you're better than me? Go home. Let me do my community service." -- Boy George, addressing media as he swept New York City streets as part of his court-ordered community service.


posted by jc @ 10:01 PM, No comment,

The Face of AA?

Haley Joel Osment saw dead people as a kid. But now he's all grown up and may soon be seeing nothing but jail bars. The 18-year-old has been charged with drunk driving stemming from an accident he got into last month. Osment fractured a rib and hurt his shoulder in the car crash outside Los Angeles. He's been charged with driving under the influence and with underage drinking. Authorities say his blood alcohol content was .05. He's scheduled to be arraigned September 19th, and he will surrender for booking at a later date. If convicted, Osment faces up to six months jail.


posted by jc @ 9:48 PM, No comment,

Carlson to Dance with the Stars

Gotta laugh at some of the celebrities who have been picked for the latest edition of ABC's DANCING WITH THE STARS. Just picture Tucker Carlson dancing! Yes, the one-time bowtie-wearing MSNBC host will hit the dance floor this fall. He will be joined by talk show host Jerry Springer. No word on whether he'll be dancing with a midget or a Klansman. Also heading to the dance floor: Vivica A. Fox, Harry Hamlin, Joe Lawrence, Mario Lopez, Sara Evans, Willa Ford, Monique Coleman, former beauty queen Shanna Moakler and three-time Super Bowl champion Emmitt Smith. the third season of DANCING WITH THE STARS begins on September 12 on ABC.


posted by jc @ 5:09 PM, No comment,

WeekEnder: August 6-12

- Talk show pioneer Mike Douglas died on his 81st birthday. He aired more than 6,000 shows and scored huge interviews with celebrities like John Lennon.
- Paris Hilton was bitten by her pet kinkjou, Baby Luv. The racoon-like animal did not hurt her bad, but she did have to visit the hospital for a tetanus shot. You can't make this stuff up.

One of the most disgusting moments in television happened on last Sunday's premiere of FLAVOR OF LOVE 2. After Flav picked the women he wanted to stay in the house, he noticed a nasty smell in the air. Turns out, one of the women shit herself right on his steps! She then locked herself in the bathroom to take care of her business in a more appropriate setting. Surprisingly, he did not kick her out of the house. Some things should be left on the editing room floor.
"Let It Slide" - Joanna
"Ashlee Simpson and Jessica Simpson and all of those girls have a different career than I want to have. I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I want to be around for a very long time." -- 16-year-old singer Cheyenne Kimball


posted by jc @ 1:52 PM, No comment,

The End of the Dating Show

Just a few years ago, dating shows were all the rage. BLIND DATE opened the flood gates for a whole bunch of dating shows back in 1999. There was elimiDATE, SHIPMATES, FIFTH WHEEL, CHANGE OF HEART and EX-TREME DATING. But now the dating show is no more. Declining ratings have forced elimiDATE to end production. The show will air in repeats through September. BLIND DATE has been cleared in 90 percent of the country for the 2006-07 season, but it will only broadcast repeats for the first seven seasons. Look for host Roger Lodge to pop up on the magazine EXTRA.


posted by jc @ 5:12 PM, No comment,

Great Job Buffalo Airport

After spending a wonderful week at Niagara Falls, I woke up to the news that several people were arrested in London for plotting terrorist attacks on airplanes. I was going to fly out of Buffalo Airport in just hours and things looked bad. No liquids or gels. Throw away your toothpaste. Be prepared to wait in line for hours. I expected the worst when I got to Buffalo Airport. I thought I'd miss my flight and maybe even get home after dark if I got home at all. But things went perfectly. I waited in line for a half hour tops and had lunch before boarding my flight ON TIME. Hats off to the workers at Buffalo Aiport for moving things along safely. Based on the news coverage, this was not the norm at our nation's airports.

posted by jc @ 9:16 PM, No comment,

Week Ender: July 30-August 5

Don't expect anymore sex videos from Paris Hilton. At least for a year. She tells British G.Q. that she is swearing off sex for a year. She says she's only had sex with two guys (bullshit!) and plans to just stick to kissing. She says she likes the way "guys go crazy when they can't have sex with you."
Amdist all the summer repeats, comes two new nightly game shows on the Game Show Network. CHAIN REACTION puts three guys up against three women in a race to create a chain of words. The show is from the same producers as MILLIONAIRE. CHAIN REACTION airs Tuesday-Saturday at 9PM/EST. Last year at this time, Danny Bonaduce was losing his mind on VH1's BREAKING BONADUCE. This year, he's hosting STARFACE on GSN. Three contestants put their celebrity knowledge to the test for a chance to win a trip. The show airs Tuesday- Thursday at 9:30 PM/EST.
- Peter Jennings has been gone for a year, but ABC is not forgetting him. Monday's World News with Charlie Gibson will feature several reports on lung cancer prevention and ways to quit smoking.
- Pop singer Aaron Carter is recovering at home after a minor surfing accident.

"Too Little Too Late" -- JoJo
"I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words. Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith." -- Mel Gibson.
"I don't think I want to see anymore Mel Gibson movies." -- Barbara Walters.


posted by jc @ 4:18 PM, No comment,


MTV, Mondays 10pm/ET

Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.

If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.

Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.


The Daily Edition blog brings you the stories you'll be talking about at the water cooler. Follow The Daily Edition on Twitter: @JCers.

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The Trisha Goodard Show and The Steve Harvey Show have both been renewed for second seasons. Renewal is not looking promising for Jeff Probst and Ricki Lake.

The Bill Cunningham Show has been renewed for a third season.

Howard Stern has signed on for a second season of America's Got Talent.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her first child.

Anderson Cooper's talk show, "Anderson Live," has been cancelled due to low ratings. New shows will air thru summer 2013.

Arsenio Hall will return to the world of syndicated late night tv talk in 2013.

HBO has renewed "Veep" and "Girls" for second seasons.



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