Update: Trees Return to Seattle Aiport!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Some airport workers in Seattle aren't going to let the Grinch steal Christmas from them. Here's an AP update on a story the Daily Edition brought you the other day:
SEATAC, Wash. (AP) -- Christmas trees are going back up at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The trees were removed over the weekend after a rabbi complained that the airport's holiday decor did not include a menorah for Hanukkah. But when the airport got word that the rabbi was not planning to sue, it decided to bring the trees out again.
The airport was worried that if it displayed a menorah, it would have to put out symbols of other religions and cultures. The president of the agency that runs the airport notes that the rabbi never asked that the Christmas trees be removed.
There are no immediate plans to display a menorah but the rabbi has offered to give the port an electric one to use. After the big trees were removed, some airline workers decorated ticketing counters with their own miniature Christmas trees.
posted by jc @ 2:03 AM,
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