Oscars Recap
Monday, February 26, 2007
There were no huge surprises at the Oscars this year. "The Departed" picked up the best picture of the year, while its director, Martin Scorsese, finally picked up his first Oscar after 26 years. Here's a look at all the other big winners:
Best Picture: "The Departed"
Best Director: Martin Scorsese for directing "The Departed"
Best Actress: Helen Mirren for her role in "The Queen"
Best Actor: Forest Whitaker for his role in "The Last King of Scotland."
Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson for her role in "Dreamgirls"
Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin for his role in "Little Miss Sunshine"
Feature-length Animation: "Happy Feet"
Best Documentary: former vice president Al Gore for "An Inconvenient Truth"
Labels: award shows
posted by jc @ 1:18 AM,
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WeekEnder: February 18-24
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The Big Stories
Britney Loses Her Mind
Britney Spears went into rehab three times this week. It all started last Friday with a brief stay at a rehab in the Bahamas. She shaved her head and got some ink when she got home, prompting many to think she lost her mind. Early in the week, she went into promises Malibu but again left only after a few hours. Wednesday night, the newly bald Britney showed up at K-Fed's house, but when he wouldn't answer the door, she attacked a paparazzi's car with an umbrella and screamed at them in rage. Her mother apparently saw the incident and brought her to rehab for a third time.
Anna Nicole Smith Court Circus
Judge Larry Seidlin was supposed to calmy determine where Anna Nicole Smith would be buried. All the players were there: Anna's mother, Vergie, her lawyer/lover Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead who claims he's also the father of her kid. All these people were enough to make this a sideshow, but Judge Seidlin only added to the drama. He constantly mentioned his personal life and even cried when he handed down his verdict. Rumor has it he wants his own syndicated court show and this was all one big audition.
Quick Hits
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 8:38 AM,
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Dancing With The Stars Line-up Announced
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The line-up for the new season of "Dancing With Stars" has been announced. I'll fully admit I don't watch this corny show, but it's always interesting to see who will be making a fool of themseleves on national television. Country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, Leeza Gibbons and The Sopranos' Vincent Pastore are among the dancers. The most controversial contestant: Paul McCartney's ex, Heather Mills. This woman is hated overseas and isn't exactly loved here. People think she's a gold digger. Not to mention, how in the hell is she going to dance with a prosthetic leg?
Labels: reality shows
posted by jc @ 10:22 PM,
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Sirius Hoping to Acquire XM
Monday, February 19, 2007
After months of speculation, it looks like Sirius Satellite Radio and XM are going to merge. Sirius is planning to buy XM for $4.6 billion in stock. The move would bring entertainers like Howard Stern and Oprah Winfrey under one radio roof. The deal faces substantial obstacles in Washington, including a Federal Communications Commission provision that specifically forbids the two companies to combine. If it overcomes a series of regulatory hurdles, Sirius' Chief Executive Mel Karmazin will lead the combined company.
Labels: sirius satellite radio
posted by jc @ 9:46 PM,
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The Music of Howard Stern
There have been so many incredible music performances on the Howard Stern show over the years. This weekend, Howard celebrated 25 years of music with a music marathon on Howard 101 on Sirius Satellite Radio. Howard, Robin, Artie, Fred and the rest of the crew introduced all of the performaces with interesting stories of when each artist/band was on the show. It was really amazing to see how many classic music acts have performed on the show over the years. Elton John, The Foo Fighters, AC/DC, Alanis Morrisette, Def Leppard, Bon Joni, Train, David Bowie, James Taylor, Lenny Kravitz, Weever.... the list goes on and on. It was great to check in on the show all weekend for a look back at these classic performances. Special programming like this makes Howard that much better on satellite.
Labels: howard stern
posted by jc @ 1:19 AM,
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WeekEnder: February 11-17
Saturday, February 17, 2007

... every show tries to help a morbidly obese person. On Friday, Dr. Phil spoke to a 1,000 pound man via satellite. Entertainment Tonight had a 500-pound man, while The Insider had a 1,000-pound man and his 100-pound girlfriend. Apparently, being fat equals big ratings.
... there's the inevitable visit to the Moonlight Bunny Ranch. Tyra took her show behind the scenes of the legal Las Vegas brothel on Wednesday. It just wouldn't be sweeps without seeing these whores.
... David Letterman does another "Ventriloquist Week."
... Dr. Phil continues his stupid "Dr. Phil House: Man Camp" series.
... a woman calls into the Greg Behrendt show saying she's sleeping with her father-in-law and is pregnant by him. With more guests like this, maybe his show would not have been cancelled.
Quick Hits
"I can't stand him. He's an absolutely horrible person, and he gets worse every day...I vomit in my mouth whenever I'm around him or I hear his name. There's nothing left in me for him. Nothing at all." - Eminem's ex, Kim Mathers, talking about the rapper on a Detroit radio station
“You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don’t like gay people and I don’t like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don’t like it. It shouldn’t be in the world or in the United States.” - Former NBC star Tim Hardaway when asked if he would want a gay teammate
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 8:00 AM,
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Britney Spears Enters Rehab, Then Quickly Leaves
Friday, February 16, 2007
People magazine is reporting that Britney Spears checked herself into a rehab facility, but left faster than you can say "alcoholic." According to People, Spears checked herself into Eric Clapton's Crossroads Centre in Antigua two or three days ago, but jumped ship after only a day to head to Florida. Of course, Spears has been the queen of the night since divorcing Kevin Federline. A recent boyfriend says she is not over Fed-Ex and even has her wedding dress hanging in a glass case.
Labels: britneys breakdown, star scandals
posted by jc @ 6:06 PM,
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Howard Stern Gets Engaged!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Howard Stern said he would never get married again, but lately he's been hinting to taking a walk down the aisle with longtime girlfriend, Beth Ostrosky. Today, Stern told his listeners that he proposed to Beth last night and she said "yes." He gave her a 5.2 carat diamond ring as he popped the question. Stern says they plan to be engaged for a long time because actually getting married is something they don't have time for in the near future. This will be Stern's second marriage. He split from his first wife, Alison, in 2000.
Labels: howard stern
posted by jc @ 9:33 PM,
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WeekEnder: February 4-10
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Space Case
What a difference a few monthsd can make. Astronaut Lisa Nowak was aboard a space shuttle last July. Earlier this week, she was arrested for driving 900 miles from Texas to Florida to get revenge. She's been charged with attempted murder for plotting to kill a woman who was vying for the affections of an astronaut she wanted to be with. Police searched her car and found a knife, pepper spray, a disguise and diapers. She told police she urinated in the diapers during the long drive to Florida so she wouldn't have to stop driving. The bizarre story spawned all sorts of creative headlines like, "Dark Side of the Loon." Nowak has posted bail and has returned home to Texas.
Anna Nicole Dies
Lisa Nowak would have been the big story of the week, until Thursday when we learned Anna Nicole Smith had died just five months after her 20-year-old son died. The cable networks did wall to wall coverage on the story, prompting some to ask the question if this was really a serious news story. An autopsy performed Friday did not determine a cause of death. Now, a battling is brewing about who the father of her infant daughter is.
You Know It's Sweeps When...
Kind of a slow week for sweeps...
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 8:25 AM,
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Friday, February 09, 2007
In a chilling coincidence, Rosie O'Donnell talked all kinds of smack about Anna Nicole Smith on The View yesterday, just hours before she died. The clip is on YouTube.
"That woman and her paternity tests. She can hardly even speak now. She can't even speak. (mimmicks Anna Nicole) It's a tragedy all around. Her son died. She has this little baby. Obviously, some kind of medication or substance involved..."
Labels: fights and feuds
posted by jc @ 10:26 AM,
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Thursday, February 08, 2007

There's already drama surrounding what will happen with her new baby girl. Smith's estranged sister, Donna Hogan, tells Larry King that he does not want Smith's longtime lawyer/lover Howard K. Stern to have custody of the baby. Needless to say, this story is going to be grabbing headlines for weeks.
Labels: obits
posted by jc @ 9:12 PM,
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Andy Dicked Kicked Off Jimmy Kimmel Live
Monday, February 05, 2007
Comedian Andy Dick is known for his bizarre antics, but this time he went a little too far. He appeared on Jimmy Kimmell Live last Friday night with Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka. Things got uncomfortable when Dick couldn't keep his hands off the Don's daughter. Security was brought in and Dick was tossed out in a rather humorous way.
Labels: good grief, television
posted by jc @ 6:43 PM,
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Super Bowl Commercials
The Super Bowl commericals were not so great this year. The Doritos commercials were okay and so was the Bud commercial where Carlos Mencia was teaching an English class. Here's one of the DE's favorities, a promo for David Letterman that features Oprah Winfrey.
Labels: television
posted by jc @ 5:26 AM,
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WeekEnder: January 28-February 3
Saturday, February 03, 2007