Thursday, March 27, 2008

Labels: pop culture
posted by jc @ 5:06 PM,
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Monday, March 24, 2008
The Justice Department has finally approved Sirius Satellite Radio's $4.22 billion dollar purchase of XM Satellite Radio. After months of debate, they've concluded that an XM-Sirius merger would not harm customers. The FCC still has to rule, but are expected to follow the Justice Department's lead. All this means that customers of XM and Sirius will soon get even more channels without any price increase. Howard Stern is going to be psyched about the merger on his show tomorrow morning...
Labels: sirius satellite radio
posted by jc @ 4:34 PM,
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
AMERICAN IDOL judge Simon Cowell did a really nice thing on the OPRAH WINFREY SHOW yesterday. He paid of a couple's $162,000 mortgage. The couple's three-year-old daughter is suffering from cancer. They're struggling to pay their bills because of the expensive treatments. After Cowell heard their story he turned to them and said, “I know you are having problems with your mortgage. As of this afternoon, your mortgage has been paid off.” He also told them that he is their "guardian angel" and to call him if they need anything else.
Labels: american idol, television
posted by jc @ 12:20 PM,
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
An anchor and reporter from WNYW in New York battle it out on the air in this clip from a few years ago. This is pretty nasty. Go to the end of this clip for the good stuff.
Labels: must see video
posted by jc @ 10:32 AM,
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Friday, March 14, 2008
The cast of VH1's CELEBRITY REHAB WITH DR. DREW reunited for a 90-minute special last night. Everyone is doing incredibly well since the show wrapped last August.
Seth "Shifty" Binzer - is still in recovery. He relapsed shortly before this special and admits he still has a long road ahead of him. He's now working on new music and his relationship with his wife and son.
Ricco Rodriguez - has been completely clean since the show. He completed a 90-day program and is back at work in the fighting industry to support his family.
Brigitte Nielson - has quit alcohol and smoking cigarettes. She says her husband has been her support throughout and is happy to be sober for him and her three sons.
Chyna - is still working on herself by seeing a therapist. She admits to a glass of wine here and there and is trying to focus her energy on herself by hitting the gym again.
Mary Carey - still drinks now and then, but feels like she has control of herself. She says she has not appeared in any adult films since the show, but still feature dances for money. She hopes she'll be able to quit that one day. Carey credited Dr. Drew with saving her life.
Jaimee Foxworth - still smoke marijuana, but not as much as before. She says she feels like she has control of her addiction now. Jaimee's mother appeared on the reunion and asked her to quit weed completely and told her she believes in her.
Jeff Conaway - left CELEBRITY REHAB early so her could have surgery. He has had four surgeries since the show and has another planned. He's still taking heavy drugs to deal with back pain. Dr. Drew told Jeff he wants him off those drugs and he said he would try in the future. Conaway credited his girlfriend with helping him to get better. Brigitte Nielson told Vikki that she's a "mess" and should get some help. Vikki said she felt like she was being attacked. Dr. Drew thanked Vikki for helping Jeff and said that he could provide her with help if she wanted it. (Since this show, Jeff appeared on INSIDE EDITION and admitted he's kicked his habit thanks to Scientology. He says John Travolta got him into the controversial religion.)
Daniel Baldwin - did not appear on the reunion show. All of the celebrities were resentful of Baldwin for leaving early. Jeff said that everyone was a family and did not appreciate how Daniel hit on Marey Carey. Dr. Drew wished Baldwin only good things in the future.
Jessica Sierra - did not appear on the reunion show. She was called to court in Florida after the show. Dr. Drew cautioned her that going would lead to a relapse, which it did. Sierra was arrested and faced 10 years in jail. Dr. Drew flew to Florida to appear in court with Jessica. He urged the judge to let her do to rehab because 10 years behind bars would be the end of her. Sierra is now back in Dr. Drew's rehab until January 2009. If she does anything wrong, she'll be sent to jail. Jessica's sister appared on the reunion show. She read an emotional letter from Jessica, which thanked Dr. Drew for saving her life.
Labels: reality shows
posted by jc @ 11:40 AM,
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Labels: politics
posted by jc @ 9:29 PM,
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Disgraced New York governor Eliot Spitzer has resigned. On Monday, the New York Times reported that Spitzer was linked to a high-priced prostitution ring that was busted last week. He allegedly paid more than $4,000 for one session with a hooker. With his wife by his side again, Spitzer addressed the media this morning.
"To every New Yorker and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize," he said. "There is much to be done, and I cannot allow for my private failings to disrupt the people's work."
He added: "Over the course of my public life, I have insisted I believe correctly, that people regardless of their position or power, take responsibility for their conduct. I can and will ask no less of myself. For this reason, I am resigning from the office of governor."
Lt. Gov. David Paterson will become the new governor on Monday. He'll be the state's first African American governor. He's also legally blind.
Labels: politics
posted by jc @ 12:22 PM,
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Thursday, March 06, 2008
VH1's "Celebreality" brand keeps on bringing in great ratings, so the network is going to add to it. VH1 is planning several new reality shows and spinoffs from its other ratings winners.
"The Cho Show" (seven episodes) chronicles comedian Cho's "anything goes" lifestyle as well as her interactions with her friends and parents. It's executive produced by Rico Martinez and Cho for Crossroads Television.
"Luke's Parental Advisory" (eight episodes) follows Campbell as he juggles being a dad to two teenagers with running his adult-entertainment business Luke Entertainment Group and planning a wedding with his fiancee. The series, a production of VH1 in conjunction with Pink Sneakers Prods., is executive produced by Kimberly Belcher Cowin.
"New York Goes to Hollywood" (10 episodes) features Pollard, star of VH1's looking-for-love competition series "I Love New York," as she moves to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming an actress (putting her relationship with her most recent pick, Tailor Made, on the "backburner"). The series is created and executive produced by Mark Cronin and Cris Abrego for Mindless Entertainment and 51 Pictures.
"Brooke Hogan Knows Best" (10 episodes) evolved out of VH1's "Hogan Knows Best," starring Hulk Hogan and his family, including daughter Brooke. The new series will follow her as she moves to Miami to start a new life on her own. Her family, including her parents, are expected to make appearances from time to time. Belcher Cowin also is exec producing "Brooke," from VH1 and Pink Sneakers.
The cable net is also planning two hour-long rock documentaries about James Brown and Elton John. Also look for a "Storytellers" featuring Snoop Dogg.
Labels: reality shows
posted by jc @ 4:52 PM,
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This classic clip from California has gotten tons of hits on YouTube. Carson Public Works Commission Chairman Jan Schaefer gets LIGHTLY smacked on the back of the head by councilwoman Vera Robles Dewitt. Schaefer goes on to make an Oscar-worthy performance. She falls to the ground screaming! You guessed it, now Schaefer is taking Dewitt to court.
Labels: must see video
posted by jc @ 12:31 PM,
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Tuesday, March 04, 2008
He was a big wreck on VH1's CELEBRITY REHAB. Actor Jeff Conaway entered Dr. Drew Pinsky's facility shaking and acting crazy on drugs. He couldn't walk and could barely talk. But now it seems things are getting better.
The actor tells INSIDE EDITION he kicked his drug habit thanks to the Scientology. Conaway says his former GREASE co-star, John Travolta, turned him on to the controversial religion. He says Travolta gave him a bunch of Scientology books and has provided him with an auditor who helps him through his problems. Conaway says he's off heavy drugs, but admits he still takes prescription drugs for back pain.
Labels: star scandals, television
posted by jc @ 9:44 AM,
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If you worked at a gay strip club for three years, wouldn't you think twice before putting yourself out there on the most popular show on TV? He had to have known this was going to get out.
Labels: american idol
posted by jc @ 9:30 AM,
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Sunday, March 02, 2008
Labels: must see video
posted by jc @ 11:27 AM,
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CATFISHMTV, Mondays 10pm/ET
Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.
If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.
Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.
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