Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Labels: star scandals
posted by jc @ 10:33 AM,
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Monday, April 21, 2008
Artie Lange is back! After a week of vacation, Howard Stern began today's show by taking calls from listeners. They all wanted to know if Artie was staying with the show. Artie was live in studio this morning. He apologized for lashing out at his assistant, Teddy, and said he will continue to work with him despite the bad blood. Artie said he was moved by all of the support he got from fans and his friends while they were away. He also admitted that he's going to see a therapist to get a handle on his anger.
Labels: howard stern
posted by jc @ 9:50 AM,
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

It all started in the halls with Artie getting into a screaming match with his assistant, Teddy. Teddy was brought into the studio where the two went at it live on the air. Artie was upset with Teddy over a bunch of things, mostly because Teddy kept forgetting to do things. Artie also accused Teddy of being bad with money and said he has loaned him thousands of dollars.
Artie told Teddy he wanted him to quit and said he hates him. The argument turned physical with Artie throwing a cup of water at Teddy. Several members of the crew rushed in to hold Artie back. They brought him out to the hall to calm down. Robin screamed out, "Jesus Christ! What the f is going on here!" Howard said Artie was out of control and should go home for the day.
A very angry Artie came back in and accused Howard of causing the fight. "If I got to him, he'd be dead right now," Artie said. Artie told Howard that he wanted the fight to happen, which Howard denied. "Your job is stay under control," Howard said. Artie said he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't get into a fight again. "I love you, but I can't do it anymore. I'm an out of control person," Artie said. Artie threatened to resign. "I'm not a good person Howard. I gotta leave. I love you." Artie left the studio.
"If Artie' going to throw stuff, I can't allow that. I can't put people in danger," Howard said. "I don't know what to say about it other than I'm deeply upset and depressed," Howard said.
Moments later, a very shook up Teddy came back into the studio. He said he doesn't know how he'll ever fix things with Artie. Teddy also said he'd take all the blame for the fight, but Howard wouldn't let him do that.
The whole crew was left speechless for the rest of the show. The tone was like a funeral.
This isn't the first time Artie has gone after someone on the show. A few months ago, he got into a yelling match with Sal and threw a CD at him.
We'll have to wait until Monday to see if Artie comes back on the show.
Labels: howard stern
posted by jc @ 11:33 AM,
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Newsflash! Katie Couric's pathetic nightly news ratings are catching the eyes of the brass at CBS. Today, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the CBS EVENING NEWS anchor is likely to leave the network before her contract is up in 2011. They speculate, she may leave shortly after the presidential inauguration early next year.
Couric isn't even halfway through her five-year contract, which pays her a hearty $15 million a year. Her ratings have never been anywhere near as good as her rivals at ABC and NBC. CBS and Couric's reps are not confirming this report. CBS released a statement saying in part, "...we have no plans for any changes regarding Katie or the broadcast."
The WSJ is also looking forward to a possible new job for Couric. Larry King's contract is up in 2009, so could she fill the slot on CNN? The cable net responded with a statement of their own, "...Larry King is a great talent who consistently delivers the highest profile guests, and we have no plans to make a change."
Labels: tv news
posted by jc @ 11:15 AM,
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008
It worked with Dr. Phil. Now, Oprah Winfrey is hoping to turn Dr. Mehmet Oz into a ratings success. Broadcasting & Cable reports Winfrey and her team met with possible distributors last month in Chicago. They're hoping to launch the show in fall 2009. Oz has been a regular medical contributor on THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW.
Labels: daytime tv
posted by jc @ 4:27 PM,
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Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Actor Jeff Conaway and his longtime girlfriend, Vikki, appeared on the Howard Stern show this morning. Conaway, who starred in VH1's "Celebrity Rehab," discussed his long battle with addiction. He says he was given alcohol as a child. His parents were never around and when he was seven, a guy took advantage of him and put him in a kiddie porn. Conaway says he's tried to commit suicide 21 times, usually with pills. He's much better since the show, but still takes plenty of heavy drugs for pain. Vikki admits, taking care of Jeff is like a full-time job.
Conaway says he's taking part in "Celebrity Rehab 2." He hopes the show will help him get off the pain medication. He says he and Vikki may soon have a reality show of their own.
Labels: howard stern
posted by jc @ 11:39 AM,
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