Saturday, December 27, 2008
Beyonce - "If I Were A Boy"
Beyonce - "Single Ladies"
BoysLikeGirls - "Thunder"
Britney Spears - "Womanizer"
Chris Brown - "Forever"
Chris Brown - "With You"
Coldplay - "Viva la Vida"
Flo-rida - "Low"
Jack's Mannequin - "The Resolution"
Jesse McCartney - "Leavin'"
Kanye West - "Love Lockdown"
Katy Perry - "Hot N Cold"
Katy Perry - "I Kissed A Girl"
Kid Rock - "All Summer Long"
Leona Lewis - "Better In Time"
Leona Lewis - "Bleeding Love"
Lil Wayne - "Lollipop"
Lil Wayne - "A Milli"
Linkin Park - "Leave Out All The Rest"
Metro Station - "Shake It"
M.I.A. - "Paper Planes"
Miley Cyrus - "Seven Things"
Paramore - "That's What You Get"
Pink - "So What"
Rihanna - "Disturbia"
Rihanna - "Take A Bow"
Shontelle - "T-Shirt"
Taylor Swift - "Our Song"
T.I. - "Whatever You Like"
Usher - "Love In This Club"
Daughtry - "What About Now"
Duffy - "Mercy"
Jonas Bros. - "Lovebug"
Kevin Rudolf - "Let It Rock" Kid Rock - "All Summer Long"
Leona Lewis - "Better in Time"
OAR - "Shattered (Turn The Car Around)"
Plain White T's - "1,2,3,4"
Rehab - "Bartender"
Saving Abel - "Addicted"
State of Shock - "Money Honey"
Leona Lewis, Katy Perry, Flo-rida, Taylor Swift
- After a disastrous 2007, Britney Spears was back in 2008 with a new album that spawned the hit single, "Womanizer." Spears also won a bunch of awards at MTV's Video Music Awards in September. And who could forget her big birthday celebration on Good Morning America?
- Miley Cyrus just got bigger and bigger in 2008. Several of her singles climbed the charts. She also caused controversy for some sexy shower pictures she took that wound up on the Internet.
- The Jonas Brother are probably the most annoying band out there. They make adults cringe and teen girls swoon. They were everywhere in 2008 and will hopefully be nowhere in 2009.
- David Cook beat out David Archuleta to win American Idol. Both went on to have hit singles in 2008.
- After 10 years on the air, TRL was canceled in 2008. Carson Daly returned for the finale, which aired live on MTV. Guests included Fall Out Boy, Diddy, Ludacris, Kid Rock and the Backstreet Boys.
- MTV's ratings dropped almost 25% in the fourth quarter of 2008. In response, they're launching even more lame reality shows. How about some music?
- Mariah Carey made headlines for her marriage to much-younger Nick Cannon.
- Ashlee Simpson had a baby girl with rocker husband Pete Wentz.
- New Kids on the Block got back together and had a hit with their single, "Summertime."
- Chris Brown, Rihanna, T.I., Lil Wayne, Coldplay and Taylor Swift were probably the biggest musical success stories of 2008.
Labels: music, year in review
posted by jc @ 10:41 AM,
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2008 began was the shocking death of actor Heath Ledger. Ledger was found dead in his apartment in New York City of an accidental prescription drug overdose. The Australian actor was just 28 years old.
Legendary actor who won an astounding 11 Academy Awards. He's best known for his roles in "The Ten Commandments," "Ben-Hur," and "Planet of the Apes." Heston was 84.
One of the most shocking deaths of the year, Tim Russert was the longtime and well-respected moderator of NBC's "Meet The Press." He was gearing up for his show when he suffered a heart attack. Russert was just 58 years old.
Legendary comedian who had more than 20 comedy albums. His "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" became an instant classic. Carlin died of heart failure at 71.
TONY SNOW - July 12
Conservative commentator and former press secretary to President George W. Bush. He died at 53 after a long battle with colon cancer.
The actress played Sophia Petrillo on the 80's sitcom "The Golden Girls." She had been suffering from dementia for years when she passed away at 84.
The professor at Carnegie Mellon University was diagnosed with terminal cancer when he delivered his upbeat "The Last Lecture." The lecture became an Internet sensation, which even led to an appearance on "Oprah." Pausch was 47.
BERNIE MAC - August 9
Comedian and movie star who also starred in his own TV show, "The Bernie Mac Show." Mac was only 50 years old when he died from complications of pneumonia.
ISAAC HAYES - August 10
Legendary musician who won Grammy's and Oscars for his classic "Theme From Shaft." He was also the voice of Chef on South Park. Isaac Hayes was 65.
SANDY ALLEN - August 13
The world's tallest woman at 7 feet 7 1/4 inches. She made countless appearances on talk shows including Jerry Springer and Sally Jessy Raphael. Allen was just 53 years old.
LEROI MOORE - August 19
The saxophonist for the Dave Matthews Band. He was just 46 when he died from complications of injuries suffered in an ATV accident.
DON LAFONTAINE - September 1
The voice of the movies. LaFontaine became world famous for his voiceovers in movie trailers. He had just turned 68 when he died of a collapsed lung.
PAUL NEWMAN - September 26
Legendary actor who starred in countless movies. He used his fame for good when he founded the Newman's Own brand. The money raised from his salad dressings, pasta sauces and other food products goes to charity. Newman died of lung cancer at 83.
MR. BLACKWELL - October 19
Fashion critic and journalist who was best known for his annual list of "Ten Worst Dressed Woman." He died from complications due to an intestinal infection. Mr. Blackwell was 86.
Author of numerous best-selling novels that were made into movies, such as "Jurassic Park" and "Congo." He was also the executive producer of the hit TV show "ER." He died of cancer at the age of 66.
PAUL BENEDICT - December 1
Actor best known for his role as English neighbor Harry Bentley on The Jeffersons. He was found dead at his home on Martha's Vineyard. Benedict was 70 years old.
EARTHA KITT - December 25
Well known for her rendition of "Santa Baby," the popular actress and singer died on Christmas day. Kitt also starred as Catwoman in the 1960's TV series, "Batman." Kitt was 81 years old when she died of colon cancer.
Labels: year in review
posted by jc @ 10:06 AM,
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"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." -- President-elect Barack Obama in his victory speech
"Can I call you Joe?" -- Sarah Palin to Joe Biden at the start of their debate
"I can see Russia from my house!" -- Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin on SNL
"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." -- Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads in an interview with Katie Couric.
“My father used to tell us that there's no way this country would elect a black President,” but “this evening, the country has proved my old man wrong -- and we're the better for it.” -- ABC news reporter Steve Osunsami getting chocked up live on the air after Obama won the election
"I do not think that is any of your business." -- Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Hillary Clinton, asked if her mother's credibility was damaged during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
"We'll do it live!" - Bill O'Reilly screaming to the Inside Edition in old video that surfaced this year
"I think you may have noticed that Senator Obama's supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about western Pennsylvania lately...and you know, I couldn't agree with him more..." - John McCain gaffe before a crowd of his supporters in Pennsylvania
"I'm going to ask you to raise your hand if you're planning to sell your jet in place now and fly back commercial...Let the record show no hands went up." -- California Rep. Bradley Sherman when the big three auto makers took private jets to Congress before asking for a multi-billion dollar bailout
“Can I explain to you what happened? First of all it happened during a period after she was in remission from cancer.” -- politician John Edwards trying to explain why he cheated on his wife
"You could certainly say that George downright invented modern American stand-up comedy in many ways. Every comedian does a little George. I couldn’t even count the number of times I’ve been standing around with some comedians and someone talks about some idea for a joke and another comedian would say, “Carlin does it.” I’ve heard it my whole career: “Carlin does it,” “Carlin already did it,” “Carlin did it eight years ago.”' -- Jerry Seinfeld on the death of comedian George Carlin in an NY Times Op-Ed
"The world just got a little less funny. He will be dearly missed." -- George Clooney on the death of Bernie Mac
"I feel like they're kinda tearin' down my home." -- Eminem on the cancellation of TRL during the show's last episode
"I didn't mean to hurt anybody, and I didn't mean to steal anything." -- OJ Simpson to the judge moments before he was sentenced to at least nine years in prison for kidnapping and robbery
"We're thrilled. It's kind of a bittersweet moment knowing that that SOB is gonna be in jail for a very long time where he belongs..." -- Fred Goldman reacts to OJ Simpson being sentenced for armed robbery
"This is a farewell kiss, you dog!" -- the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush
Labels: year in review
posted by jc @ 9:30 AM,
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Monday, December 15, 2008
President Bush made a surprise trip to Iraq yesterday. As he addressed the media, a journalist took of his shoes and threw them at the president. Mr. Bush was not hurt. In their culture, throwing a shoe at someone is deemed a huge insult.
Labels: must see video
posted by jc @ 11:28 AM,
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Jay Leno is staying put at NBC.
NBC has signed the comic to host a Monday thru Friday talk show at 10pm/ET. Leno has been given a significant pay raise. The show will be live and start in September 2009. The multiyear deal allows NBC to lower its primetime production costs, since it will have five hours of promgramming it will no loner have to worry about. If NBC hadn't signed Leno, it was widely speculated that he would have jumped ship to ABC or Fox.
Conan O'Brien is taking over "The Tonight Show" next year, while Jimmy Fallon takes over his timeslot.
Labels: television
posted by jc @ 2:07 PM,
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The Governor of Illinois and his Chief of Staff were arrested by the FBI today on charges that they and others were engaged in ongoing criminal activity. Governor Rod Blagojevich is accused of putting up Barack Obama's Senate seat up to the highest bidder. He's also accused of trying to shake down the Tribune Company on its sale of Wrigley Field. The accusations are spelled out in a 76-page affidavit.
"Governor Blagojevich has taken us to new lows. The most appalling conduct ... is that he attempted to sell the Senate seat,'' said U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in a press conference. "It is conduct that would make [President] Lincoln roll over in his grave."
Federal agents taped the governor's conversations with advisors. In one of them, Blagojevich said he wanted "to make money'' on the Obama senate appointment. "I have got this thing and it's [bleeping] golden," he said on the tape.
Labels: politics
posted by jc @ 1:47 PM,
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Oprah Winfrey says she's "fallen off the wagon."
In the January issue of "O" Magazine, the talk show diva admits she's ballooned to 200 pounds. Oprah says she's "mad at herself" and "embarrassed."
"I can't believe that after all these years, all the things I know how to do, I'm still talking about my weight. I look at my thinner self and think, 'How did I let this happen again?,' Winfrey writes.
Despite the weight gain, Oprah says she no longer wishes to be thin. Instead, she'll settle for being strong, healthy and fit.
Labels: star scandals
posted by jc @ 1:40 PM,
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CATFISHMTV, Mondays 10pm/ET
Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.
If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.
Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.
The Daily Edition blog brings you the stories you'll be talking about at the water cooler. Follow The Daily Edition on Twitter: @JCers.