WeekEnder: April 23-29
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards was hospitalized for a mild concussion he suffered while vacationing in Fiji, reportedly after falling out of a palm tree.
Richards, 62, was injured earlier this week and flown to a New Zealand hospital for treatment, band spokeswoman Fran Curtis said in a statement Saturday.
The statement did not elaborate on Richards' condition or explain how he was injured.
But media reports in Australia and New Zealand said Richards hurt his head after falling out of a palm tree at an exclusive Fiji resort.
Quick Hits
There are rumors that Britey Spears may already be pregnant with her second child. She's allegedly due in late Spetember/early October. DE VH1 has renewed a bunch of their shows including Breaking Bonaduce, Celebrity Fit Club and Hogan Knows Best. DE Rosie O'Donnell's new contract with The View apparently states that she can not cut her hair. DE 50 Cent says he can't be bothered with Oprah Winfrey. He complains that she rarely has rappers on her show, adding that "...she caters to older white women."
Song of the Week
"Mandy" -- Jonas Brothers
Weekly Web
A teacher gets smacked in the face. Great video!
Quote of the Week
"Well, thank God, because it was either that or `Celebrity Fit Club,"' -- Rosie O'Donnell on her new gig at The View
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 3:42 PM,
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Rosie O'Donnell Returns to Daytime
Friday, April 28, 2006

Labels: daytime tv
posted by jc @ 11:07 AM,
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Maury Povich Sued
Monday, April 24, 2006

A producer of 'The Maury Povich Show' has sued the talk show host, claiming that the workplace was "permeated with the use of alcohol, pornographic videos and parties inviting open and notorious sexual activity."
In the complaint, filed Monday in the Supreme Court of New York, Bianca Nardi claims that Povich had "a long time, intimate and sexual relationship" with a member of the staff. She claims the alleged relationship "created a hostile workplace that was sexually abusive to woman (sic)."
Nardi claims she was forced to expose her breasts and have them photographed on the show. She also claims she was directed to "tape the chests of female guests... in order to photograph them with large 'boobs'."
Nardi alleges she was ordered to engage in undercover activities such as going to bars to "secretly videotape married men agreeing to have sex with her."
She also claims an executive producer required her to watch pornographic videos in a private room with him.
Nardi is seeking $10 million in damages, as well as $30 million in punitive damages.
A spokesman for NBC Universal, who produces 'The Maury Povich Show,' tells TMZ: "We have been served with a complaint by Bianca Nardi. We do not believe that Ms. Nardi was a victim of unlawful sexual harassment and intend to defend this lawsuit vigorously. NBC Universal is committed to maintaining a workplace that is free of discrimination and harassment."
Labels: daytime tv, star scandals
posted by jc @ 9:36 PM,
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WeekEnder: April 16-22
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Shocking Sheen Allegations
Denise Richards is making some shocking allegations against her estranged husband, actor Charlie Sheen. Richards claims Sheen pushed and shoved her and even threatened to kill her. Richards, who now has a restraining order against Sheen, also claims he had a prostitution and porn habit. Most alarmingly, she alleges he visited Websites featuring young girls. Sheen released a statement saying the charges are a "smear campaign" against him.
Celebrity Cooking Showdown Canned
After weeks of promotion, NBC wanted Celebrity Cooking Showdown to be a weeklong event. But it was pulled off the air after only three nights. The problem: tiny ratings. Who really wanted to see Patti LaBelle and a group of D-list celebrities cooking? Very boring. But what was the network thinking premiering the show against a new episode of 24 and then putting it up against American Idol for its second night? That's enough to doom any show.
Quick Hits
Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise finally had their baby named Suri. It's Hebrew for princess. DE Ace Young was voted off American Idol, something that was long overdue for a guy that was all charm and no talent. DE Next week is the start of May sweeps, one of the year's most important months for measuring ratings. All T.V. shows will be new and more outrageous than ever to drive up ratings. Enjoy all the new shows because after sweeps the summer will be filled with repeats.
Song of the Week
Missy Elliott "We Run This"
Quote of the Week
"I feel bad for David Lee Roth. I think they hosed him. I think they'll try not to pay him." -- Howard Stern on his East Coast replacement who has already been shown the door
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 11:44 AM,
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Pissed At The Pump
Friday, April 21, 2006

Labels: good grief
posted by jc @ 7:42 PM,
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David Lee Roth Off The Air
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Ripped From The Wire
Courtesy: Associated Press
CBS did not even give David Lee Roth a chance. The shocker is who they are replacing him with:
NEW YORK (AP) - No surprise: David Lee Roth's run as morning radio host is about done. Big surprise: It appears raunchy satellite radio stars Opie and Anthony will replace him on seven CBS Radio stations.
A deal was in the works to dump the ex-Van Halen singer's ratings-deprived program with shock jocks Greg "Opie" Hughes and Anthony Cumia, according to two people with knowledge of the deal.
They spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity pending an official announcement of the agreement next week.
Opie and Anthony were banished from terrestrial radio in 2002 - oddly enough by their new boss, CBS Radio - after airing a live account of listeners having sex in New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral. CBS Radio was then known as Infinity Broadcasting.
Opie and Anthony resurfaced on XM in October 2004. The satellite radio provider has more than 6.5 million subscribers, with the Opie and Anthony show one of the most popular programs on its 170 channels.
XM will now syndicate the program to the stations in New York and six other markets, with three hours of the program airing on the CBS Radio stations, the people familiar with the deal said.
XM will simultaneously broadcast that portion of the show, along with another two hours of exclusive O&A, they said.
A spokeswoman at CBS Radio declined to comment on the report, as did a spokesman for XM.
Roth's radio career began in January, when he replaced Howard Stern on the CBS stations. But reviews were poor and Roth fought with management over the show's format, putting the show on the skids less than four months into its run.
Roth, during one angry on-air rant, predicted the show could be yanked before May.
Labels: radio
posted by jc @ 6:06 PM,
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Should Ostrosky Dance With The Stars?
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Labels: howard stern, reality shows
posted by jc @ 7:07 AM,
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WeekEnder: April 9-15
Friday, April 14, 2006

South Park was censored on Wednesday. The show wanted to include a scene depicting the Islamic prophet Mohammed, but Comedy Central refused to air it. Earlier this year, there were major riots around the world after Danish newspapers published a cartoon of Mohammed. Any rendering of the prophet is considered blasphemous by Muslims. "In light of recent events, we feel we made the right decision," Comedy Central said in a statement.
The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck has admitted that she and her football player husband, Tim, have been stalked and harassed. Barbara Walters made the announcement on The View Wednesday as a visably shaken Hasselbeck sat beside her. Apparently, an unidentified woman has been making phone calls to New York authorities saying Hasselbeck is a poor parent. The Hasselbeck's have a one-year-old daughter named Grace Elisabeth. Walters read a statement from the family, which said child protective services found the allegations to be absolutely false. After reading the statement, Walters said, "You have our love and our respect, we couldn't care about you or Tim more than we do. You have our admiration, our affection and our total support."
The life of Zacarias Moussaoui is in the hands of a jury. Last year, he pled guilty to being part of an al-Qaeda hijack conspiracy but denied playing a role in the 9/11 attacks. If you have any question about whether he should live or die, here's what he said about the relatives on 9/11 victims in court this week: "I'm glad they are suffering pain. I just wish it would happen the 12th, the 13th, the 14th, the 15th, the 16th, the 17th." He also said that he would kill Americans "anytime, anywhere" and called Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh "the greatest American." If this isn't the poster boy for the death penalty, than who is?
It was a long time coming. Bucky Covington was voted off American Idol on Wednesday. Let's hope the overly dramatic Ace is next. DE Illusionist David Blaine is at it again. He's getting ready to live in an underwater aquarium for seven days and nights in front of New York's Lincoln Center. He'll also attempt to break his own record of holding his breath longer that 8 minutes and 58 seconds.
SONG Helicopter Girl "Angel City"
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 10:30 AM,
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Shamless Self-Promotion
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Dr. Phil has taken blatant self-promotion to a whole new sneaky frontier. It's bad enough that the T-V talker constantly plugs his books on his show. He's also branched out to primetime specials and even offers advice to daters on Match.com. But the self-promotion fest on yesterday's show was just outrageous. The topic: people with strange phobias. The first guest was a woman who had a fear of scary movies. How convenient. Dr. Phil is playing a tiny role in Scary Movie 4. It was the perfect opportunity for him to plug the movie under the guise of helping a guest. Yes, he took advantage of HER phobia to plug HIS movie. First, he showed his short roll in the movie. Then, he showed about five minutes of behind the scenes footage from his acting stint saying it was all to show the woman that movies aren't all that scary. Right. The icing on the promotional cake: he ended the segment by telling his audience to run out and see the movie, but "not because I'm in it." Okay, Dr. Phil.
Labels: daytime tv
posted by jc @ 11:07 PM,
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Parents of the Year
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Labels: star scandals
posted by jc @ 5:42 PM,
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WeekEnder: April 2-8
Friday, April 07, 2006

Jessica Alba is no longer upset with Playboy. Alba was pissed with the magazine for putting a file picture of her on its cover without her consent. She thought it implied that she would be naked inside. The 24-year-old actress demanded the magazine pull the March issue. But Hugh Hefner has apologized in a letter, so now Alba says there are no hard feelings. "I appreciate Mr. Hefner's acknowledgment of the distress caused by Playboy's actions, and I'm happy to put this unfortunate event behind me," Alba said in a statement. "This was never about money, it was about setting the record straight about something that was done without my knowledge or consent." Playboy also made donations to two charities Alba supports.
Quick Hits
A shocking outcome on American Idol as frontrunner Mandisa is voted off the show. Now, it's being reported that she's anti-gay. She said she would not attend an event for the gay community because of her religion. DE American Idol judge Paula Abdul says she was assaulted at a party. She suffered spinal injuries and a concussion. DE ABC released new pictures of injured anchorman Bob Woodruff. In them, he's smiling and looks surprisingly good. DE Ciara and rapper Bow Wow have apparently ended their relationship of one year.
Weekly Web
mrtandme.com Mike is obsessed with 80's action hero Mr. T and boasts a huge collection of Mr. T merchandise to prove it. He appeared on Howard Stern this week where he said he was moved to tears when he met the big guy years ago.
Millionaire Moron A guy makes a complete ass out of himself on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
Song of the Week
Hard-Fi "Cash Machine"
Quote of the Week
"I’m not enthusiastic about it. I think everybody likes Katie Couric, I mean how can you not like Katie Couric. But, I don’t know anybody at CBS News who is pleased that she’s coming here." Andy Rooney on Katie Couric coming to CBS.
Labels: weekender
posted by jc @ 6:16 PM,
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Bizarre Medical Mysteries
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Tonight's Primetime Live was beyond fascinating. The show focused on medical mysteries, particularly people who choose to amputate their own body parts. It's called body identity integrity disorder (BIID). During the show, we met Lilly, who packed her left leg with dry ice hoping that she'd lose it. It didn't work. Now, she's crippled and doctors refuse to remove her leg even though she wants them to. Shockingly, Lilly said always wanted to be an amputee. As a kid, she would draw lines on her legs where she wanted them to end. Doctors say people with this disease often see amputees as people of strength who were able to overcome great hardships.
Labels: television
posted by jc @ 10:19 PM,
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Viera to "Today"
Meredith Viera has confirmed she will take over as co-host of The Today Show. She made the announcement on The View this morning. "I believe in growth, but right now I am feeling terrific growing pains," Viera said as she fought back tears. The audience gave her a standing ovation and Barbara Walters gave her a hug. And then, in true Star Jones fashion, Star cried her eyes out. "I've sat to your left the whole time. And there've been times when you'd look to my eye and I'd look to your eye. You'd finish my sentence and I'd finish yours. And I'm gunna miss the person to my right," Star said. To which Joy Behar replied, "I'm not going to kiss you on camera. I am not. Because we're going to make out later!" Viera is not sure whether she will continue to host Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
Labels: daytime tv
posted by jc @ 5:41 PM,
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It's Over...Again!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Labels: celebrity divorces
posted by jc @ 3:09 PM,
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Couric to Move to CBS
Somewhere, groundbreaking journalists like Edward R. Murrow and Fred Friendly are spinning in their graves. It's official. Longtime Today show co-host Katie Couric will soon anchor the CBS Evening News. Yes, the last place CBS is so desperate for ratings that they've hired the Kathie Lee Gifford of morning "news" to legitimize their nightly efforts. Couric made the announcement on Today this morning as she marked her 15th year with the show. Couric said that her leaving Today at the end of May was a "really difficult decision." Surely, the $13 million she'll be paid helped make the decision less difficult. Let's face facts. No one watches the nightly news anymore. There are many reasons for it. One thing is for sure: throwing a lot of money at a fluff "journalist" is not going to make people watch. CBS will easily win the night of her debut. And maybe a few nights after that. But after all the buzz, no one will care.
Labels: television
posted by jc @ 10:00 AM,
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Stern Busts A Bum
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Howard Stern just can't catch a break. Stern and his girlfriend, Beth Ostrosky, were confronted by a homeless man as they left a restaurant on Manhattan's West Side Saturday night. The bum, who was a fan, apparently screamed and waved his arms, threatening Stern and Ostrosky and getting up in their faces. When Stern and Beth jumped into the taxi, the guy followed them and spit on Beth through an open window. Stern called police on his cell phone and jumped into a police car to find the bum. "After Beth was okay, I felt obligated to find him, because he could do something to someone else," Stern said. Gregory Forbes, 50, was arraigned at Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday and is being held in jail.
Labels: howard stern
posted by jc @ 10:32 AM,
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Ebaum's World Prank
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Labels: internet
posted by jc @ 10:02 PM,
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Roth Suspended Already
Things just are not going well for David Lee Roth. Ratings for his new radio show are in the toilet and now there's word he was suspended for two days. Roth was suspended on Wednesday and Thursday for not following the orders of CBS execs. The former Van Halen frontman says he got four letters in five days from CBS Radio officials demanding "extensive changes"in his four-hour show. But Roth said he didn't like the predictable format they wanted him to follow. So, they gave him an unwanted vacation. He was back on the job on Friday saying he wants to keep his gig as a morning show host. "I'm going to give it a try," Roth told his tiny audience. "I've invested too much in this show not to." Roth's show underwent some drastic changes last week as three on-air sidekicks were shown the door.
Labels: radio
posted by jc @ 6:14 PM,
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CATFISHMTV, Mondays 10pm/ET
Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.
If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.
Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.
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