2006 in Review: Quotes of the Year

"This city will be chocolate at the end of the day. ... This city will be a majority African-American city. It's the way God wants it to be."- New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's death so much."- Ann Coulter, on the women whose husbands died on 9-11

“America, you lost. I won.”- Zacarias Moussaoui, the 9/11 plotter, shouting as he was led from the courtroom after the jury decided that he should spend life in prison rather than be sentenced to death.

“I was with JonBenet when she died. Her death was an accident."— John Mark Karr

"We gave her time to look for another job and hoped that she would announce it on this program and leave with dignity. But Star made another choice.''- Barbara Walters, the day after Star Jones left The View

"I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words. Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot.''- Mel Gibson after his anti-semitic tirade

"You're putting words in my mouth, just the way you put artificial facts in your head."- David Letterman to Bill O'Reilly

"Are you going to ask that question with shades on?"- President Bush to legally blind reporter Peter Wallsten

"Occasionally. One of the things I've used on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see -- I've forgot the name of the program -- but you get the satellite, and you can -- like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It reminds me of where I wanna be sometimes."- President George W. Bush, on being asked whether he uses Google, in an interview on CNBC.

"We support your war of terror! ... May George Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq!"- Borat before a rodeo audience in his movie

“It smells of sulphur here, but God is with us." - Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, in a speech to the United Nations criticizing the Bush Administraton, in which he called President Bush "the devil."

"I'm 20 years old. Is it a crime to go ... dancing with your friends?'' - Lindsay Lohan on her partying ways

"I probably did take my newfound freedom a little too far."- Britney Spears, after being photographed in public with Paris Hilton and without underwear


posted by jc @ 12:03 PM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Headlines

YouTube became an Internet sensation in 2006. The site made everyday people stars with viral videos and was bought by Google for $1.65 billion.

John Mark Karr
After years of not knowing who killed Jon benet Ramsey, John mark Karr came forward saying he was their the night the beauty queen was killed. He went free in October after prosecutors said they did not have enough evidence to prosecute him.

Duke Rape Investigation
A stripper swears she was raped by three Duke lacrosse players at a booze-filled party. The students deny the charges and saw some of them dropped.

The Immigration Debate
Hundreds of thousands of immigrants poured into the streets in May, as part of a national "Day Without Immigrants" in protest of ultimately unsuccessful federal legislation that would have made it a felony to be an illegal immigrant.

Mark Foley Scandal
The Republican politician resigned after allegations surfaced that he sent sexually explicit emails and instant messages to young male congressional pages. Foley later enterted rehab for alcohol and admitted he was gay while also claiming he was molested by a priest when he was young.

Bad Spinach
It was a bad year for spinach farmers who saw their crops pulled from shelves after packaged spinach tainted with E. coli killed three and sickened more than 200 in September.

Pluto Demoted
Since 1930, Pluto was considered the ninth planet from the sun until this year when scientists redefined the conditions for being a planet. Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet.

School Shootings
There were three school shootings in just one week in the fall. In one of them, a gunman entered a schoolhouse in Pennsylvania's Amish country and killed five kids before turning the gun on himself.

Crocodile Hunter Dies
Steve Irwin dies way before his time after he was stung in the heart by a stingray. His young daughter and wife have promised to carry on his legacy.

Saddam Hussein Executed
Iraq's devilish dictator Saddam Hussein was hanged after he ws found guilty of killing 148 Shiite Muslims in 1982.

Other headlines:
-- Journalist Jill Carroll was kidnapped and held captive for weeks in Iraq.
-- Giants slugger Barry Bonds passed Babe Ruth for second place on the career home run list and was subject of steroid speculation.
-- Radio host Rush Limbaugh accuses Michael J. Fox of faking symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
-- The Democrats win the midterm election taking control of the Senate.
-- Nancy Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House.
-- There was major chaos at stores across the country after Playstation three was released. One guy who refused to give up the money he was using to buy the Playstation was shot in Connecticut.
-- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld quit amid continued criticism of the war in Iraq.
-- A bipartisan report given to president Bush paints a grim picture of the war in Iraq.


posted by jc @ 12:02 PM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Television

There were lots of changes in television in 2006. Meredith Viera left The View to co-host the Today show after CBS picked Katie Couric to anchor the CBS Evening News. Ratings for Today remained unchanged with Meredith, but Couric's new newscast quickly faded to third place. Meantime, Rosie O'Donnell took Meredith's spot on The View. Ratings went up with The View scoring its highest November sweeps ratings ever.

Another change that made the networks scramble came when the WB and UPN merged to become the CW. The merger meant stations across the country would have to rebrand as the CW, while others would become independent. But FOX came up with MyNetworkTV so stations would have something original to air in primetime. MyNetworkTV airs nothing but soaps and no one is watching (see below). The CW is doing okay, broadcasting programs that once aired on the WB and UPN.

-- Isaac Hayes quit South Park after years of doing the voice of Chef.
-- Survivor caused a controversy by segregating contestants in the beginning of the season.
-- The Miss America pageant was banished to CMT since it's been getting horrible ratings on network TV.
-- Dateline scored big ratings with their "To Catch A Predator" specials.
-- Charles Gibson became the anchor of ABC World News Tonight after Bob Woodruff was hurt in Iraq and Elizabeth Vargas left for maternity leave. The show has since been renamed World News with Charles Gibson.
-- The MTV VMA's were as tame as ever with unfunny host Jack Black.
-- Judge Mablean Ephriam was given the boot on Divorce Court after seven seasons and replaced with judge Lynn Toler.
-- John O'Hurley replaced Richard Karn as host of The Family Feud.
-- Kelly Ripa gets angry with guest co-host Clay Aiken on Regis & Kelly after he covers her mouth with his hand.
-- Despite poor ratings in 2006, The Apprentice returns in January 2007. The show has been moved from New York City to California.

Off the air: Will & Grace, That 70's Show, Malcolm In the Middle, Alias, Hope & Faith, The Tony Danza Show, Starting Over

Best TV Shows...

"My Boys"
This end of the year hit for TBS is based on a single sportswriter living in Chicago whose best friends are all sports-loving men. If you like Sex and the City, you'll love this show.

"Deal or No Deal"
This NBC game show became a bona fide hit in 2006, setting the stage for Howie Mandel to make one of the biggest celebrity comebacks of the year. Deal or No Deal spawned all sorts of primetime game shows including, The Rich List and William Shatner's Show Me The Money, which have both been cancelled. Other NBC/Endemol game shows, 1 vs. 100 and Identity did well in the ratings.

"Little People Big World"
This feel-good TLC reality show follows the Roloff family, which is headed up by a mother and father who both have dwarfism. They have four children, but only one of them has dwarfism. The show follows the Roloffs on their huge farm in Oregon as they prove they can do anything that a person of average height can.

"Rescue Me"
Denis Leary did not disappoint in the third season of his gritty FX series. The show did not hide from controversy this year, as it featured a scene where it appeared Leary's character raped his estranged wife.

Other hits: Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, The Office, 24, Lost, House, Grey's Anatomy, Project Runway

BEST LIVE TV MOMENT: When Star Jones shocked her co-hosts on live television, saying she's leaving The View. She knew for months that Barbara Walters was firing her and decided to leave her own way. The day after the announcement, Barbara Walters announced that Star was kicked off the show. The search goes on for her replacement.

Worst TV Shows...

"Celebrity Duets"
Proof that the celebrity talent show can only be stretched too far. This Simon Cowell produced summer show was horrible in every sense of the word. Watching D-list celebrities sing karaoke every week is not exactly entertaining week after week. The rambling Little Richard, who was one of the judges, was amusing at first but after several weeks he became like the drunken uncle who everyone wants to avoid at a party.

"House of Carters"
Nick Carter and his four siblings were put up in a house for this reality show. The E! show proved more of a dysfunctional screamfest than anything else. The only thing this horrible show gave its viewers was a headache.

"The Megan Mullally Show"
The most annoying character from Will & Grace should not have been given a daily daytime talk show. She's a very awkward host and the guests are pretty bad. Ratings are terrible, so the ax should swing soon.

"Celebrity Cooking Showdown"
NBC was hoping this C-list celebrity cooking show would bring in big ratings, so they attempted to air it every night for a week. No one watched and it was pulled off the air after three episodes. What works for the Food network, won't necessarily work in network television.

This horrible and hurried spin-off of Friends barely lasted two seasons and was finally cancelled in May of 2006.

"My Games Fever"
A live game show that airs without commercials for two hours. The show's annoying hosts, tiny prizes and super long waits between callers make it unwatchable.

MyNetwork TV

Perhaps the biggest television failure of the year, MyNetWork TV was formed for stations left without an affiliate after UPN and the WB merged to form the CW. MyNetWork TV airs nothing but poorly acted telenovelas in English. Ratings are as low as it gets, since no one wants to watch the same thing every night, especially when it's poorly done.

Other horrible shows: My Super Sweet 16, The Greg Behrendt Show, Til Death, Nancy Grace, Saturday Night Live, Skating With Celebrities

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posted by jc @ 10:32 AM, No comment,


2006 comes to an end with the death of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Around 10 last night, American military guards handed him over to his Iraqi executioners. He reportedly remained calm during his final moments, holding on to the Quran and refusing to have a hood pulled over his head before he was hanged. Saddam's execution came 56 days after he was convicted of killing 148 Shiite Muslims. Iraq's highest court rejected his appeal on Monday and ordered him executed within 30 days.

President Bush issued a statement saying, that bringing Saddam to justice "is an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy that can govern, sustain and defend itself, and be an ally in the war on terror."


posted by jc @ 9:14 AM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Star Scandals

Mel Gibson Anti-Semitic Tirade
Actor Mel Gibson was pulled over for driving drunk. Before being arrested, he told the Jewish officer that "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." He later releasd a long statement where he called his remarks "despicable."

Michael Richard's Racial Rant
A few months after Gibson's hateful words, caught Seinfeld actor Michael Richards calling some black hecklers the N-word. Oddly enough, Richards went on The Late Show with David Letterman to apologize. He later got together with Jesse Jackson to learn some racial sensitivity.

James Frey Proved a Fraud
Oprah Winfrey highlighted author James Frey's memoir, A Million Little Pieces, in her book club. Turns out he made up much of it. She had him back on her show where he admitted making up some key parts of the book. Publisher Random House later offered those who bought his book refunds.

Britney Spears Parenting Skills Questioned
The start of the year did not go well for pop tart Britney Spears. She was caught driving with her baby, Sean Preston, on her lap. Then, she was pictured with him facing the wrong way in his car seat. And, let's not forget the time she almost dropped him while trying to avoid the paparazzi. Later in the year, she delivered a second child and finally ditched K-Fed. But there was more controversy when Britney was spotted out partying late into the night for days straight, often leaving her underwear at home.

Anna Nicole Smith: Who's the Father?
Anna Nicole's son died at only 20 years old just days after she delivered a new baby girl. As she tried to grieve in private, her lawyer, Howard K. Stern, and another man both claimed they were the father of her new child.

Nicole Richie's Battle With Food
Paris Hilton's on and off again friend seemed to be dropping pounds left and right this year. Who could forget that bony picture of her taken as she jogged on the beach? She entered a food rehab for help, but weeks later was arrested for DUI. The police report stated that she weighed a paper thin 85 pounds.

Publisher Judith Regan Fired
Judith Regan interviewed OJ Simpson for a hypothetical book and TV interview called, "If I Did It." After causing quite a controversy, Newscopr cancelled the FOX TV show and the book. And then, Judith regan was fired. She's promising to fight back, saying she lost her job for no reason.

Miss USA Almost De-crowned
In December, rumors were swirling that Miss USA Tara Conner was involved in underage drinking, using drugs and kissing women! Donald Trump was expected to fire her during a press conferences, but had a change of heart. A teary Tara Conner promised to go to rehab and swore she wouldn't let the Donald down.

Donald Trump vs. Rosie O'Donnell
Rosie O'Donnell took aim at Donald Trump on The View after he agreed to give Miss USA a second chance. She mocked him, calling him a "Snake oil salesman." Trump bit back in People magazine, calling O'Donnell "a loser" and "fat."

Other star scandals of note:
-- Paul McCartney and Heather Mills divorce, leading to wild accusations of mistreatment in the tabloids.
-- Christine Brinkley and her husband divorce after a 19-year-old came forward saying she slept with him.
-- After Aaron Spelling died, Tori Spelling and her mother fought it out over his estate, which is worth millions.
-- Saved By the Bell star Dustin Diamond was the star of a sex tape that no one wanted to see.
-- Kelly Ripa got angry at Clay Aiken after he covered her mouth when he co-hosted Regis & Kelly.

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posted by jc @ 6:48 PM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Movies

After a horrible year in 2005, some blockbusters helped the box office regain its steam in 2006. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, X-Men 3, Borat, The Da Vinci Code and Cars were some of the biggest money-makers of the year. Here's a look at the Daily Edition's picks for best and worst movies of 2006:


"The Devil Wears Prada"
Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep star in this film based on a best-selling novel. Hathaway plays Andrea Sachs, a recent college grad who scores a job as an assistant to a powerful and weathered fashion magazine editor, Miranda Priestly. The film focuses on Sachs bending over backwards to please Miranda in an industry she never dreamed of being part of.

Disney/Pixar scores yet again with this animated tale about a race car, Lightning McQueen, who dreams of winning the Piston Cup Championship. After his tires blow up in a race, McQueen unintentionally ends up in the small town of Radiator Springs along Route 66 and learns the true meaning of life while making some great new friends.

"Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan"
Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev comes to America to make a documentary to send back to the good people of Kazakhstan. When he arrives, he's quickly distracted after seeing Pamela Anderson in an old episode of Baywatch and decides he must travel the country in search for her to make her his wife. During his journey, he interviews real people who think they're talking to a real journalist. The film sparks a controversy with many of the people who soon realize they've been had in one of the funnist movies of the year.

"The Departed"
Martin Scorcese assembles an all-star cast in this film about a mobster who rises in the ranks of the Boston police department. The police know something's up, so they send one of their own on a dangerous mission to infiltrate the mob.


"Snakes on a Plane"
Despite the mega-hype and branding it as a cult classic before it even hit theaters, Snakes on a Plane performed poorly at the box office and quickly slithered into obscurity.

"You, Me and Dupree"
Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson star in this less-than-believable tale of a best man who becomes the annoying houseguest of some newlyweds. There's nothing even likable about Dupree (played by Wilson), so you don't feel too bad when he's down on his luck. Besides the bad plot and annoying main character, the movie runs 108 minutes, making you want to run for the door.

"The Pick of Destiny"
This movie's trailers were enough to keep everyone away and they did. There's nothing funny or even clever about Jack Black's wannabe rock band, Tenacious D, or Jack Black himself. The only funny thing about The Pick of Destiny is that anyone thought it was worthy of theaters.

"Little Man"
As if White Chicks wasn't bad enough, the Wayans Brothers had to come out with this bomb. The Wayans brothers are funny, but you'd never know it based on the lowbrow White Chicks and Little Man.

"Failure to Launch"
Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker star in this sleeper about a a thirtysomething slacker who still lives at home with mom and dad. Did we really need to see Terry Bradshaw's naked ass several times? Zooey Deschanel, who played SJP's best friend, was the only strong character in Failure to Launch. We wanted to see more of her and less of the stars, who fail to identify with the audience.

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posted by jc @ 6:05 PM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Annoying Celebrities

There was no shortage of annoying celebrities this year. They're the celebs who hog the spotlight for really no reason all. Every time you hear about them you scream, "Who gives a shit?! Just go away!" Let's take a look at the celebrities we hope to hear a lot less from in 2007. The following is strictly a matter of OPINION...

Britney Spears
The paparazzi were working overtime just to follow Britney Spears around this year. The year began with her almost dropping her baby, driving with him on her lap and let's not forget the time she put him in the car seat the wrong way. The year ended with her kicking K-hole to the curb and partying like a drunken teenager. And as she partied, she wore no underwear. Besides the divorce, do really really need to know any of these things about Britney? The constant media coverage of Britney was much more annoying than she was this year.

Paris Hilton
Her shitty album proves what we've known all along: Paris Hilton has no talent. At 25 years old, perhaps she should start acting like an adult instead of clubbing everynight like some 18-year-old who's just gotten her first taste of freedom at college.

Lindsay Lohan
Everyone's favorite firecrotch could not stay out the media this year. Her partying and underaged drinking continued all year long, despite her admission that she had been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for a year. By the way, she's in AA at 20 years old, before she's even legally allowed to drink. Talk about problems.

Jessica Simpson
Besides Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson may be the celebrity who annoys the Daily Edition the most. Her ditsy, bordering on retarded ways and horrendous singing voice are enough to make anyone change the channel post haste. She spent the year picking up the pieces after a failed marriage to Nick Lachey. She also released that horrible song, "A Public Affair," with its extra annoying video that featured the over-exposed Eva Longoria. All of her nonesense came to a hilarious climax in December when she screwed up the words of Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" during a tribute on the Kennedy Center Honors. Simpson was so embarassed that she demanded she be edited out of the show.

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes
We could not get enough of "TomKat" because they hid their newborn, Suri, from the public for months. They confirmed the baby was in fact born on the first episode of Katie Couric's CBS Evening News by providing her with exclusive pictures. Tom and Katie finally tied the knot in November with every tabloid magazine show traveling to Italy to cover it. Does any of this really matter at a time of war?

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie
Stop adopting children and stop publicizing yourselves everytime you travel to a foreign country. Angelina Jolie seems to have been given sainthood this year. How quickly we forget about what a wackjob she is. Remember her marriage to Billy Bob Thornton? The vials of blood. The bizarre tattooes and PDA's. Let's also not forget about the time she seemed a little too close to her brother at the Oscars. Yet, she is the UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.

Madonna was harshly criticized for adopting a baby from Malawi. It was a story that would not go away. The constant coverage of her adoption, which the average person could give two shits about, easily makes Madonna one of the most annoying people of the year.

Anna Nicole Smith
It's God awful that Smith lost her only son at such a young age this year. But, a wedding just a few days later? And, does anyone really give a damn about who the father is?

The Insider, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight...etc.
All of these shows are trash in its dirtiest form. Do we really need to travel to Italy for Tom Cruise and Katie Holme's wedding? And, do we need to know where Jennifer Aniston was spotted sipping a latte last night? NO! All of this mindless drivel and more is courtesy of such celebrity magazine shows. The worst offender seems to be The Insider. The smarmy Pat O'Brien drools over the likes of Anna Nicole Smith and let's not forget those anorexic twins they drag out every sweeps just to see if they're still alive.

Blogger: The New Version
Blogger may not be a celebrity but its new version which I'm using right now is just as annoying as one. The new version of Blogger seems to be plagued with problems. Publishing a picture seems to be too much to ask and don't try to use html within the text, unless you want to fuck everything up. Next time you want to improve things, Blogger, get all the kinks out before launching.


posted by jc @ 9:41 PM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Music

As New Year's quickly approaches, The Daily Edition takes a look back at the year that was. 2006 was a big year for music. Groups like Nickelback, The Pussycat Dolls, Rascal Flatts owned the year and made tons of money as their singles were played over and over again.

2006 was also a year for comebacks. Some worked out, while others didn't. Nelly Furtado's last CD flopped, but thanks to a little help from Timbaland, her 2006 release "Loose" went to the top of the charts and spawned several hit singles, including "Promiscuous." Barry Manilow's been around forever, but was everywhere in 2006 thanks to his "Greatest Songs of the Fifties" and "Greatest Songs of the Sixties" albums. The Dixie Chicks also made a good comeback in 2006. Several of their concerts were cancelled in red states after the fallout from Natalie Maines comments on President Bush, but the Chicks still managed to score successful sales. Jay-Z, Shakira, Lionel Richie and Diddy also made successful returns to the music scene this year. Things did not go so well for Janet Jackson. Despite dropping a ton of weight and doing a healthy press tour, Jackson's album bombed in 2006. Fortunately, Paris Hilton and Kevin Federline's debut albums also had poor sales.

Music Highlights

Best-selling artists: Red Hot Chili Peppers, High School the Musical, Justin Timberlake, Rascal Flatts, Beyonce, Nelly Furtado, Andrea Bocelli, Pussycat Dolls, Nickelback, James Blunt, Black Eyed Peas

Breakthroughs: K.T. Tunstall, Pussycat Dolls, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, The Fray

Best Singles...
AFI - "Miss Murder"
Augustana - "Boston"

Beyonce - "Irreplaceable"
Cartel - "Honestly"
Jojo - "Too Little Too Late"
Keane - "Is It Any Wonder"
Matt Kearney - "Nothing Else To Lose"
Nelly Furtado - "Say It Right"
Pussycat Dolls - "Buttons"
Taking Back Sunday - "MakeDamnSure"
The Fray - "Over My Head (Cable Car)"
The Killers - "When You Were Young"
T.I. - "What You Know"

Worst Singles...
Blue October - "Hate Me"
Bo Bice - "The Real Thing"
Chistina Aguilera - "Ain't No Other Man"
Fergie - "Fergalicious"
Fergie - "London Bridge"
Gwen Stefani - "Wind It Up"
Hinder - "Lips of an Angel"
James Blunt - "You're Beautiful"
Jessica Simpson - "A Public Affair"
Ludacris ft. Pharell - "Money Maker"
Panic! At the Disco - "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
Paris Hilton - "Stars Are Blind"

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posted by jc @ 6:00 PM, No comment,

Gerald Ford Dies

Former president Gerald Ford has died after a year of going in and out of the hospital. He was 93. He was the longest living president followed by Ronald Regan, who died at the same age. Ford suffered from pneumonia in January of this year and also underwent two heart treatments. Ford's wife, Betty released a statement saying in part, "His life was filled with love of God, his family and his country." Ford became president after Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal left the White House in turmoil.


posted by jc @ 12:27 AM, No comment,

2006 in Review: Obits

The hardest thing about looking back at the past year is remembering all of those who passed away. This year, we lost a Crocodile Hunter long before his time, the wife of a civil rights icon and a television pioneer. Let's remember the lives and legacies of all of the notable people who died in 2006.

Coretta Scott King; wife of Martin luther King, Jr.; January 31

Like her husband, Coretta Scott King was a devoted human rights leader. She was 78.

Al Lewis; actor; February 3
Best known for his role as grandpa on the Munsters. Howard Stern fans will remember him as the guy who screamd out "Fuck the FCC" during a live on the radio rally in New York. A longtime political activisit, Lewis also ran for governor of New York. Al Lewis was 95 years old.

Don Knotts; actor; February 24 (pictured below)
The bug-eyed comic gained fame on the Andy Griffith Show during the 1960's. he also starred in the 70's sitcome Three's Company. Knotts was 81 years old.

Kirby Puckett; baseball player; March 3
A staple of the Minnesota twins, Puckett was a Hall of fame outfielder who earned two World Series rings over his 12-year career. He died of a stroke at 45 years old.

Peter Tomarken; game show host; March 13
Tomarken hosted the popular Press Your Luck game show during the '80s. He was on a charity mission to pick up a medical patient when his plane went down. The 63-year-old and his wife were killed.

Aaron Spelling; television mogul; June 23

Aaron Spelling created endless classic TV series including Dynasty, Charlie's Angels, Beverly Hills 90210 and 7th Heaven. He was 83.

Patsy Ramsey; Jon Benet Ramsey's mother; June 24
Patsy Ramsey's daughter, Jon Benet, disppeared without a trace and she died before her murder was ever solved. Patsy and her husband were once suspected in the murder. Ramsey died after a long battle with ovarion cancer at 49 years old.

Ken Lay, Enron founder; July 5
Lay founded Eron and was convicted of helping perpetuate one of the most sprawling business frauds in U.S. history. He died of a heart attack at 64 before serving one day in jail.

Mike Douglas; talk show host; August 11
Hosted his own celebrity-driven talk show for 21 years. he died on his 81st birthday.

Steve Irwin; "The Crocodile Hunter"; September 4
By far the most shocking and untimely death of 2006. The lovable Crocodile Hunter died after he was stung in the heart by a stingray's barb. The attack was caught on film, but Irwin's close friends say they'll make sure the video never sees the light of day. He was 44.

Cory Lidle; baseball pitcher, October 11
The New York Yankees pitcher died after the small plane he was piloting slammed into the side of an apartment complex in New York City. He was 34.

Ed Bradley; journalist; November 9
The legendary 60 Minutes reporter died after a report that blew the lid of the Duke lacrosse rape case. He died of leukemia, but few new he was even sick. He was 65.

Gerald Levert; r&b singer; November 10
Known for his love songs, Gerald Levert died at only 40 years old.

Peter Boyle; actor; December 12
Best known for his role on Everybody Loves Raymond, peter Boyle died at 71 after suffering from multiple myeloma and heart disease.

Mike Evans; actor; December 14
Mike Evans played Lionel on All in the Family and The Jeffersons. He died of throat cancer at the age of 57.

Joseph Barbera; cartoon pioneer; December 18
Joseph Barbera was half of the Hanna Barbera animation team that produced much-loved cartoons such as Ton and Jerry, Yogi Bear and The Flintstones. He was 95.

James Brown; music pioneer; December 25
The Godfather of Soul who revolutionized funk, hip hop and disco music died Christmas morning. He was 73 years old.

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posted by jc @ 9:00 AM, No comment,

Godfather of Soul James Brown Dies

Legendary soul singer James Brown has passed away. He was hospitalized with pneumonia yesterday and died early Christmas morning. Brown is credited with paving the way for rap, funk and disco music. He had numerous hits during his career, which spanned decades. Brown's biggest song may have been "I Got You (I Feel Good)." He won numerous Grammy's and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Brown also gained notoriety for the times he spent away from the microphone. He was plagued with drug and alcohol charges and was often accused of smacking his wife around. James Brown was 73 years old.


posted by jc @ 9:44 AM, No comment,

WeekEnder: Christmas Weekend Edition

TV Christmas Traditions

Every family has its traditions during the holiday season and so do some of our favorite television shows. After decades, the networks still grab great ratings with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and A Charlie Brown Christmas. These specials are so popular that ABC airs a full month of them every year, its"25 Days of Christmas."

Even trashy daytime talk shows have their Christmas traditions. Maury mixes trasvestites with real women for his "Am I am man or woman?" Christmas special, while Jerry Springer celebrates the holiday with no less than three trailer park themed Christmas shows.

The Daily Edition's favorite Christmas tradition comes from the Late Show with David Letterman. Every year, the quirky late night host tops his tree with a pizza, a statue of the Empire State Building and a giant meatball. Letterman invites actor Jay Thomas on during his last show before Christmas to throw a football at the tree to knock the meatball off. Thomas usually does it with one throw, but last night he needed a little help. Letterman joined Thomas and knocked the meatball off the tree himself. It's just a funny tradition that only David Letterman could bring us.

Quick Hits

  • Actor Michael Evans has died of throat cancer. Evans played Lionel on The Jeffersons and on All in the Family in the '70s. He was 57 years old.
  • Jessica Simpson bows out of her Kennedy Center Honors appearance after screwing up the lyrics to Dolly Parton's "9 to 5." The show airs Tuesday, without her performance.
  • Donald Trump getting tons of publicity this week, which is all too interesting since the new season of The Apprentice starts up in a few weeks. First, he held a presser to pardon Miss USA party-girl, Tara Conner. Then, he got in a war of words with Rosie O'Donnell.
  • The Tyra Banks Show has been renewed for two seasons, taking the show through the 2008-09 season.
  • Danny Bonaduce is returning to radio. The Breaking Bonaduce star will join the Adam Carolla show starting on January 2.
  • Deal or No Deal and 1 vs. 100 will air special Christmas editions on Christmas night.

  • Quote of the Week...

    "You can't make false statements. Rosie will rue the words she said. I'll most likely sue her for making those false statements - and it'll be fun. Rosie's a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie." -- Donald Trump slamming Rosie O'Donnell after she trashed him on The View

    Coming this Week

    The Daily Edition: 2006 Year in Review

    Make sure to check the Daily Edition every day this week as we look back at the year that was. All the best and worst of television, music and movies in 2006. Plus, a look at all the stories that grabbed headlines and celebrities who could not avoid scandal. The Daily Edition's 2006 Year in Review begins Christmas night. You don't want to miss it!, Merry Christmas from the Daily Edition.


    posted by jc @ 8:18 AM, No comment,

    Donald Trump Slams Rosie O'Donnell

    Maybe this will teach Rosie O'Donnell to stop opening her big yap. This morning on The View she accused Donald Trump of being a "snake oil salesman" following his announcement that he will not fire Miss U.S.A. Tara Conner. "(He) left the first wife – had an affair. (He) had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend," O'Donnell said on live television.

    The Donald is not taking her words sitting down. He tells People magazine that Rosie is "a woman out of control" and is even threatening Rosie with a lawsuit! "Rosie will rue the words she said. I'll most likely sue her for making those false statements – and it'll be fun. Rosie's a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie," Trumps tells People. CLASSIC and hilarious comments from Donald Trump!

    The View has issued a statement: "Both Rosie and Donald are high-spirited, opinionated people. Donald has been a friend of The View for many years and Rosie, of course, is our enormously popular moderator. We cherish them both and hope the new year brings calm and peace."

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    posted by jc @ 11:06 PM, No comment,

    TIVO's Top 10 TV Moments of 2006

    TiVo is listing their top 10 television moments of 2006. No Star Jones quitting live on the air on The View?

    1. Katie Couric's final Today show
    2. Diane Sawyer's interview with Mel Gibson after his DWI arrest
    3. Oprah Winfrey tells James Frey he betrayed readers
    4. Sara and Grissom get together on CSI
    5. Faith Hill's reaction to Carrie Underwood's win at the Country Music Association awards
    6. Kirstie Alley's bikini reveal on Oprah
    7. Will & Grace series finale
    8. Kate and Sawyer get together on Lost
    9. Rosie's debut on The View
    10. Connie Chung's attempt at a sultry serenade for husband Maury Povich


    posted by jc @ 8:17 AM, No comment,

    Boston's "The Ten O'Clock News" Signs Off

    It's not all that often when we see a news station sign off the air. But tonight, the folks at Boston's WLVI-TV 56 aka CW 56 had to do just that. One week to the day before Christmas.

    Everyone knew it was coming. Sunbeam television bought the station three months ago and starting tomorrow night, their Boston affiliate WHDH will bring their brand of fast-paced news to CW56.

    This was certainly a bittersweet goodbye for the people of CW56 tonight. They have been delivering the news to the people of Boston since 1984 and saying goodbye now was like mourning the loss of a family member years too soon.

    Jack Hynes, who was the first anchor of "The Ten O'Clock News" was back for the last show and said it perfectly. "A week before Christmas should not be a time for sad farewells." Hynes went on to say the whole event was "tragic." "Someone, somwhere should have, could have stepped up to the plate and bought the station," Hynes said live on the air. "So, with bitter reflections we sign off for the last time."

    Anchor Karen Marinella, a native of Massachusetts, said she loved doing news in the state she's always been a part of. "I have had a blast doing news in my own backyard." Still, she agreed with Jack Hynes about the sudden closure of the station. "You lose a voice when something like this happens," Marinella said.

    The final newscast wrapped with an emotional tribute that featured all of the staff, most of whom are out of the job at a time of the year when no one wants to be looking for work. At the end of the staff package, the 'on air' sign at CW56 went black. Finally, a shot of an empty news set which slowly faded to black.


    posted by jc @ 11:48 PM, No comment,

    Dueling Yule!

    Two yule logs will be burning on television this Christmas. For years, the burning log accompanied by Christmas music has been a staple of WPIX-TV in New York. But now it's got some high-def competition. This year, there will be the traditional log, burning since it was filmed by New York's WPIX-TV in 1970, and another that will air uninterrupted for 24 hours on INHD.

    "The Yule Log" first began burning on WPIX in 1970 but was gradually cut down to two hours and moved to Christmas morning. Then, after it ran in 1989, it was canceled. After more than 10 years, "The Yule Log" was revived in 2001.

    Since its return, "The Yule Log" has performed very well in the ratings and is even the subject of a one-hour special this year. This year it will air on WGN Superstation as well as 10 Tribune-owned stations around the country.

    The newer yule log will be brought to us by Jason Patton, who works for INHD, a network that serves 24 million homes with high def sets. It's actually been airing since 2003 and will be broadcast for 24 hours starting 7am/EST Christmas morning.


    posted by jc @ 8:55 PM, No comment,

    Weekender: December 10-16

    Quick Hits
    • ABC has canceled the low-rated William Shatner-hosted game show "Show Me The Money" after it justed ordered six new episodes of it.
    • ABC has just ordered two new shows by Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Productions. In "Oprah Winfrey's The Big Give" (working title) 10 people will use cash and other resources to help people. In "Your Money Your Life" crissi teams will work to help families in need. Oprah will appear in at least one of the shows.
    • The new and failing network MyNetworkTV is said to be working on some changes that could cut its telenovela programming from six nights a week to as little as two.
    • "American Pie" actress Natasha Lyone is accused of threatening to sexually molest her former neighbor's dog during an argument back in 2004.
    • Miss USA Tara Conner is likely to lose her crown because of bad behavior. Sources say she's a Paris Hilton-like party girl, which isn't going over well with pageant owner Donald Trump.
    • The Howard Stern Show's Artie Lange claims actor Peter Boyle loved to smoke the weed. Lange says he once smoked some reefer with the recently deceased actor on a TV lot.
    Worth Checking Out

    My Games Fever
    My Games Fever isn't worth checking out because it's good. It's worth checking out because it's terribly bad. The two-hour commercial-less interactive game show has just started airing live on 10 Fox-owned stations. The show features annoying hosts who ask viewers to solve incredibly easy puzzles for a chance to win a few hundred dollars. The problem is: the hosts have to stretch forever because no one calls in. When someone finally calls in, they always sound stoned and are never excited about the small amount of money they've just won. Since the show is live, it's only a matter of time before someone calls in to prank the show, making it worth checking out. The show airs from 1-3 pm/EST everyday.


    posted by jc @ 11:45 AM, No comment,

    Martha Stewart on Howard Stern

    It seems like an odd combination, but Martha Stewart stopped by the Howard Stern show this morning. She was celebrating the one year anniversary of her channel on Sirius Satellite radio, but Howard wasn't too interested in that.

    Things got off to a strange start. Martha didn't want to sign the show's release. Producer Gary Dell'Abate told Howard she would be late because she was on the phone with her lawyers going over the terms of her appearance. Howard told him to blow off the release just so his radio audience could hear her. Finally, she agreed to come on the show and had some pretty interesting revelations. She told Howard that she was still on parole and would be until March. She also talked about how she recently found out her daughter had an abortion several years ago. The normally prim and proper Martha also let loose a bit in the uncensored format, letting an S-bomb drop.

    Martha's TV show aired live shortly after the interview. The Stern interview was the first topic of conversation. Martha broguht up the release issue and then thanked Howard for going easy on her.


    posted by jc @ 10:12 AM, No comment,

    Peter Boyle Dies

    Very sad news from the entertainment world today. Peter Boyle, who played Raymond's dad on Everybody Loves Raymond, has died. The actor was suffering from multiple myeloma and heart disease. Boyle was only 71 years old.

    Ray Romano has issued a statement saying, "I am deeply saddened by the passing of Peter Boyle. When I came out to L.A. to do 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' I knew no one. Peter immediately took me under his wing and became my friend and mentor. He gave me great advice, he always made me laugh, and the way he connected with everyone around him amazed me."


    posted by jc @ 11:01 PM, No comment,

    Howard Stern Hands Out Holiday Cheer

    Howard Stern stopped by The Late Show last night and came bearing gifts. In classic Stern style, the radio host walked onto the set wearing a full body length Santa suit and a bag stuffed with Sirius radios for Paul Schaffer and David Letterman. As he sat down, he told the audience that he had a Sirius radio for everyone! The audience went crazy. By the way, the radios he gave out were the Sirius' newest model: the Stiletto, which is a portable satellite radio. Stern also gave Stilettos to everyone on his staff for Christmas.


    posted by jc @ 5:58 PM, 1 comment,

    Dr. Phil Kicks "Bumfights" Creator Off His Show!

    There was an explosive confrontation between Dr. Phil and the creator of "Bumfights" on his show today. Ty Beeson goes around the country taping homeless people doing outrageous things. One guy ate a frozen frog, while another ripped a dead tooth out of his head with some pliers. Once he has his footage, Beeson sells it for millions. The "Bumfights" tapes have also been blamed in several violent incidents against the homeless.

    Halfway through a package on "Bumfights," Dr. Phil stopped tape and decided he did not want to talk with Beeson. "That's despicable. I don't wanna talk to you," Dr. Phil said. An angry Ty Beeson responded, "If you think I exploit people, everytime you bring a guest on this show you exploit them and exploit whatever problems they have to the world! You think that's helping them?!" With that, two of Dr. Phil's security guards and a producer walked on stage to escort Beeson off the show. But he wasn't done commenting. "Who do you think you are? I'm not finished talking to you!"

    Security took Beeson off the show and Dr. Phil came back on camera saying the interview would have been an insult to his viewers. "Since that's my name up there, I put what I want on my show and that ain't it," Dr. Phil said.

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    posted by jc @ 8:52 PM, No comment,

    Update: Trees Return to Seattle Aiport!

    Some airport workers in Seattle aren't going to let the Grinch steal Christmas from them. Here's an AP update on a story the Daily Edition brought you the other day:

    SEATAC, Wash. (AP) -- Christmas trees are going back up at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The trees were removed over the weekend after a rabbi complained that the airport's holiday decor did not include a menorah for Hanukkah. But when the airport got word that the rabbi was not planning to sue, it decided to bring the trees out again.

    The airport was worried that if it displayed a menorah, it would have to put out symbols of other religions and cultures. The president of the agency that runs the airport notes that the rabbi never asked that the Christmas trees be removed.

    There are no immediate plans to display a menorah but the rabbi has offered to give the port an electric one to use. After the big trees were removed, some airline workers decorated ticketing counters with their own miniature Christmas trees.

    posted by jc @ 2:03 AM, No comment,

    Under the Thin-fluence

    Nicole Richie was arrested for DUI early this morning. Her booking reveals that she is 5'1" and 85 pounds. 85 pounds! TMZ reports two drivers saw her driving the wrong way down a highway in Burbank. Police tell TMZ she admitted to taking Vicodin and smoked pot. A preliminary report has shown that she was not under the influence of alcohol. In 2003, Richie plead guilty to possession of heroin.


    posted by jc @ 8:34 PM, No comment,

    Christmas Trees Banned At Airport

    All of the Christmas trees inside the terminal at Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle have been taken down in response to a complaint by a rabbi. The rabbi wanted to have an 8-foot menorah set up and have a public lighting ceremony. He threatened to sue if the menorah wasn’t put up, and gave a two-day deadline to remove the trees.

    Sea-Tac public affairs manager Terri-Ann Betancourt said the trees that adorn the Sea-Tac upper and lower levels may not properly represent all cultures. She said that since this is their busiest time of year and they don't have time to add a fair representation of all cultures, her department decided to take down all of the decorations, review their policies, and decide if they need to make a change for next year. The same decorations have been put up for at least 10 years. (Info from:

    What the hell is wrong with this rabbi? Threatening to sue the airport if they don't take the Christmas trees down? Get a life! Just sickening. And, what the hell is wrong with the airport? They remove all the trees when they could have just put up an menorah with all the other decorations. This world just gets sicker and sicker by the day.


    posted by jc @ 10:09 AM, No comment,

    WeekEnder: December 3-9

    • Jessica Simpson forgets the words to "9 to 5" during a tribute to Dolly Parton at the Kennedy Center Honors. She ran off stage and could be seen with tears in her eyes later in the night.
    • MyNetworkTV's Fashion House and Desire wrapped without anyone noticing. Two new shows have started on the new network, which no one is watching.
    • Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter announces she is having a baby with her partner.
    • Police dressing as Santa's elves are targeting speeders in Florida.
    • The Michael Richards fallout continues. Andy Dick apologizes after saying the N-word and Damon Wayans is banned and fined from the Laugh Factory after saying it several times in his set.
    • Comedian Gilbert Gottfried announces he is getting married and is about to be a father.
    • The View earns its best November sweeps numbers ever. Looks like Rosie O'Donnell was a smart addition to the show.
    • Mary J. Blige leads the pack for this years Grammy Awards with eight nominations. The Red Hot Chili Peppers picked up six noms, while Dixie Chicks, John Mayer, Prince and James Blunt are all up for 5. Justin Timberlake is up for four awards. The best news of all: Kanye West got ZERO nominations! The awards be handed out of February 11 and will be broadcast live on CBS.


    "It's also been 2 years since I've even celebrated my birthday. Every move I make at this point has been magnified more than I expected, and I probably did take my new found freedom a little too far. Anyway, thank God for Victoria's Secrets' new underwear line! I look forward to a new year, new music and a new me." - Britney Spears addressing her recent partying ways in a statement on her website


    posted by jc @ 6:11 PM, No comment,

    Howie Mandel Says "No Deal" To Daytime

    Deal or No Deal will likely be syndicated five days a week beginning next fall. But the big question is: who will host? Talks between NBC Universal and Howie Mandel have collapsed. Mandel is said to be asking for a hefty figure, which NBC U does not want to pay. Arsenio Hall has also passed on the gig. Comic actor Mark Curry of Hangin' With Mr. Cooper fame has also been mentioned as a possible host.

    Kingworld is also pitching two game shows for fall 2007: Joker's Wild and Combination Lock. They may never see the light of day due to limited time periods. Warner Bros. and Telepictures is said to be thinking of bringing popular website TMZ to television with a magazine-style show, like Entertainment Tonight. And, get ready for yet another court show. Yesterday, Sony announced Judge David Young, presided by a judge from Miami. Young is best known for giving jail time to two America West pilots that had been drinking before the flight. Judge David Young has already been cleared in 55 percent of the country, including 17 of the 20 top markets. The court genre is healthy as Judge Judy, Judge Maria Lopez, Judge Hatchett, Divorce Court and Judge Alex have already been renewed for the 2007-08 season.


    posted by jc @ 9:40 PM, No comment,

    Billboard Music Awards 2006

    Another night. Another awards show. Tonight, it was the Billboard Music Awards on FOX. The show started off with a lip-synched performance by Janet Jackson. Intertestingly, she performed very poorly on Billboard this year. Her album flopped, as did her performance on this show. Since Britney Spears and Paris Hilton dropped out of the show at the last second, there was no host. A show like this definitely needs a host to set the tone and to get people to tune in, so things didn't flow well without one. Performances were rather dull and repetitive if you'd recently seen the American Music Wards or VH1's Big in '06. This year's Billboard Awards were a snooze. By the way, could there be a worse song ever written than Fergalicious?

    Pop Single of the Year: Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland - "Promiscuous"
    Male Country Artist: Kenny Chesney
    R&B Hip Hop Artist: Mary J. Blige (who also took home a bunch of awards before the show)
    Rock Album: "All the Right reasons" Nickelback
    Soundtrack Album: High School Musical
    Rap Artist: T.I.
    Female Artist: Rihanna
    Rock Single: "Animal I Have Become" Three Days Grace
    Century Award: Tony Bennett
    Album of the Year: "Some Hearts" Carrie Underwood
    Artist of the Year: Chris Brown

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    posted by jc @ 9:58 PM, No comment,

    VH1 Big in '06 Awards

    The "VH1 Big in '06 Awards" are a great way to look back at the year that was, even though they air about a month early. Tonight's show was hosted by D. L. Hughley and featured appearances by many of Vh1's reality show stars including Danny Bonaduce, Brooke Hogan and Flavor Flav. Fergie, The Killers, Wierd Al Yankovic, and The Fray performed. Here's a look at the winners:

    Big Music Artist: Justin Timberlake
    Big Comeback: David Hasselhoff
    Big Web Hit: Lonely Girl15 (actress who faked everyone out by pretending she was a teen girl in a Internet video diary.)
    Big Breakthrough: Stephen Colbert ("The Colbert Report")
    Big Reality Star: Janelle from Big Brother (who?)
    Big "It" Girl: Katharine McPhee
    Big Outlaw: Paris Hilton (Just when we thought this stupid bitch wouldn't make an appearance in an awards show...)
    Big Entertainer: Dane Cook
    Big TV Star: Keifer Sutherland

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    posted by jc @ 10:58 PM, No comment,

    WeekEnder: Nov. 26-Dec. 2

    You Know It's STILL Sweeps When...

    • Tyra Banks does a show about porn stars.
    • The obilgatory visit to the Moonlight Bunny Ranch! Dr. Keith Ablow talked to several prostitutes who work at the legal Nevada brothel. One of the hookers, was blinded after she was shot in the head years ago. That didn't stop her from turning tricks. Anything to get those ratings up!
    • My local TV listings STILL had "OJ Simpson: If I Did It" as airing last Monday and Wednesday. Good to know the listings are so accurate.
    Quick Hits
    • An 11-year-old boy suffering from leukemia is selling advertising space on his head to raise money for others suffering from cancer.
    • A four-year-old North Carolina boy scared away some robbers who were holding up his family by changing into his Power Ranger costume.
    • Former American Idol contestant Jennifer Hudson is being billed as the next big star. She stars with Beyonce in the soon-to-be released movie, Dreamgirls.
    • Ellen Degeneres has started her annual 12 Days of Giveaways, where she gives expensive gifts to audience members in the days leading up to Christmas.
    • Sony Pictures Television has renewed Judge Maria Lopez, for a second season despite it being the lowest-rated court show on television.
    • Comedian Paul Mooney says he will never use the N-word again after hearing Michael Richards rant.
    • Rumor has it Kid Rock went crazy on Pam Anderson after seeing the way she portrayed herself in the Borat movie.


    posted by jc @ 10:30 PM, No comment,

    Lindsay Lohan Attending AA

    Lindsay Lohan's publicist confirms the actress is now going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. "It's positive and she hopes the press leaves her alone," her publicist said. Sure, that'll happen. While Lohan's partying ways are no secret, it is just plain pitiful that she's going to AA meetings at only 20 years old. She's not even legally old enough to be drinking, yet she's now an admitted alcoholic. Imagine how she'll be when she's 30 or 40 years old. If she lives that long. Just pathetic.


    posted by jc @ 10:26 PM, No comment,

    Britney Shows Off Her Spears

    Britney Spears continues to be a role model for her young fans everywhere. That's if a role model is defined by someone who shows her privates to the paparazzi with a drunken grin on her face. As if all her mistakes with K-Fed weren't enough, now she's chillin' with the lowest of the low, Paris Hilton.

    What's worse, some very candid shots of Britney that are fit for Hustler magazine are circulating all over the Internet. Apparently, Britney left her underwear at home when she went out partying with Paris the other night. The above photo is as tame as it gets. The other photos out there show it all. Who knows if they're real, but they sure look it. Search for the pics and judge for yourself.

    Just when Britney was getting ready for a comeback, she once again falls flat on her face. By the way, who's watching the kids? Someone get D.S.S. on the line...again.


    posted by jc @ 2:57 PM, No comment,


    MTV, Mondays 10pm/ET

    Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.

    If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.

    Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
    Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.


    The Daily Edition blog brings you the stories you'll be talking about at the water cooler. Follow The Daily Edition on Twitter: @JCers.

    Web This Blog


    The Trisha Goodard Show and The Steve Harvey Show have both been renewed for second seasons. Renewal is not looking promising for Jeff Probst and Ricki Lake.

    The Bill Cunningham Show has been renewed for a third season.

    Howard Stern has signed on for a second season of America's Got Talent.

    Kate Middleton is pregnant with her first child.

    Anderson Cooper's talk show, "Anderson Live," has been cancelled due to low ratings. New shows will air thru summer 2013.

    Arsenio Hall will return to the world of syndicated late night tv talk in 2013.

    HBO has renewed "Veep" and "Girls" for second seasons.



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