Punk Steals FOX News Reporter's Mic During Liveshot


FOX News reporter Laura Ingle was doing a liveshot about the iPhone In New York yesterday, when some guy grabs her microphone! Why didn't he try to swipe the iPhone?


posted by jc @ 9:49 AM, No comment,

Most Shocking Intervention Yet

Intervention (A&E Fridays at 10pm) follows addicts of all kinds as they struggle through their daily lives. Each show follows one person who is battling some kind of addiction. At the end of the show, family members surprise the subject with a live-changing intervention in a last ditch effort to get them clean.

Last night's show was particulary shocking. Laney was left with millions of dollars after her and her ex-husband cashed in on the Dot Com boom. She had the perfect marriage, but past issues with men, including a brutal rape by an ex-boyfriend, ruined her marriage and prompted her to drink heavily. She's now living alone in a mansion in Kansas and drinks so much that her liver is functioning at only 20 percent. Her best friend is her cat, which she takes everywhere with her. When she visited family in New York, she spent $10,000 on a limo to get her and the cat back home.

As Laney's family planned an intervention, Laney hit rock bottom at her home. When producers of the show weren't looking, Laney downed a bottle of pills in a suicide attempt. Producers called 911 after realizing what she did and she was rushed to the hospital where she almost died. As her worried family visited her in her hospital bed, Laney denied taking the pills and blamed her own mother for her overdose, even though her mother wasn't even with her at the time.

Before getting out of the hospital, Laney heard that her family was planning an intervention. She had plans to skip town, but her family and interventionists showed up at her home to help her. Laney locked all of her doors and called the police on her own family, who were forced to spend hours waiting for her to come out of her house. They finally convinced her to go to rehab and she boarded a limo with her cat and drove cross country to a rehab in Florida. As soon as she arrived at rehab, Laney had second thoughts, but was finally convinced to get help.

Sadly, at the end of the show, we learn that Laney left rehab after only two days. She returned home and is running low on money. Since the intervention, her family has refused to talk to her.

Just a heart-breaking story. It proves that money really can't buy you happiness and that some people just can't be helped. This show has helped so many desperate people, but it seems Laney may be a lost cause.


posted by jc @ 9:31 AM, No comment,

Film Critic Joel Siegel Dies

Joel Siegel, the longtime movie critic on Good Morning America, has died after a long bout with colon cancer. Siegel was 63 years old. He had worked on GMA until two weeks ago when he was once again admitted to the hospital. His friendly face and always entertaining movie reviews will be missed in the morning.

Charles Gibson had some very kind words about his friend and colleague. "Joel was so much more than a colleague … he was a friend. He was also a personal friend to millions of "Good Morning America" viewers — anyone who loved movies and the arts. For Joel's great passion was that people be entertained and that they be enriched by what they see and hear — whether in a theatre, at a concert, in an art gallery, on a television screen, or even in their mind's eye," said Gibson.


posted by jc @ 6:28 PM, No comment,


After 23 days in the slammer, Paris Hilton is a free woman. The socialite strutted out of a California jail shortly after midnight this morning. She was greeted by tons of paparazzi who all rushed to snap her first pictures as a free woman. Hilton smiled and waved as she met her parents in a black SUV.

As always, the cable news nets were all over this story. FOX News had live aerials of her SUV hedriving off with paparazzi in hot pursuit. At one point, her SUV stopped and hoards of photographers jumped out to take pictures of her.

By the way, here's an interesting tidbit: Hilton's stay in jail cost taxpayers $1,109.78 a day, more than 10 times the cost of housing inmates in the general population.


posted by jc @ 3:44 AM, No comment,

Deadbeat Dad Tries to Profit From Son's Death


He wasn't in the picture for decades, but that hasn't stopped a deadbeat dad from New York from trying to get death benefits from his son who died on Nine-Eleven. Elise Goss-Caldwell was awarded about three million dollars after her son, Kenny, died in the attacks. But now, her ex-husband, Leon, wants half of the money even though he testifed in court that he left his wife and two sons in the 1970's and never even tried to get visitation.

"He was never there for my boys, physically, emotionally or financially," said Goss-Caldwell. "And it's so hurtful that he's trying to come back now just for the money."

Caldwell's living son says he and his brother never got so much as a birthday car from their father. He says leon Caldwell's attempt to profit from his death is "deplorable."


posted by jc @ 3:26 AM, No comment,

Claudia Cohen Dies

A frequent guest from "Regis & Kelly" has died. Claudia Cohen, a New York gossip columnist, died of stomach cancer at a Manhattan hospital last Friday. She was 56 years old. Cohen was one of the first reporters for the New York Post's Page Six. She was best known as the entertainment correspondent for "Live With Regis and Kelly" and "Live With Regis and Kathie Lee." She was with Regis for about 20 years, since his show launched in the 1980's. This morning, Regis and Kelly remembered their dear friend. Regis said he knew she had been fighting cancer for years, but she choose to keep it to herself. He said he and his wife, Joy, last visited her in the hospital in late May. Regis and Kelly went to Cohen's funeral in New York yesterday and remembered her by showing a montage of her best moments on the show.


posted by jc @ 9:26 PM, No comment,

Highest Paid Celebrities

Forbes has released its annual list of the highest paid celebrities. Oprah Winfrey is at the top of the list, earning a whopping $260 million dollars from June 2006 to June 2007. Besides her talk show, Winfrey also makes money off her magazine, XM radio show and the Boradway musical "The Color Purple." She also has stakes in "Dr. Phil" and "The Rachael Ray Show." Oprah's net worth is estimated to be $1.5 billion dollars. Here's a look at how much other celebrities made in the past year, according to Forbes:

Oprah Winfrey - $260 Million
Steven Speilberg - $110M
Tiger Woods - $100M
Johnny Depp - $92M
The Rolling Stones - $88M
Jay Z - $83M
Tom Hanks - $74M
Madonna - $72M
Howard Stern - $70M
Bon Jovi - $67M
Jerry Seinfeld- $60M
Elton John - $53M
Simon Cowell - $45M
David Letterman - $40M
Brad Pitt - $35M
Kobe Bryant - $33M
50 Cent - $33M
Gisele Bundchen - $33M
Donald Trump - $32M
Jay Leno - $32M
JK Rowling - $32M
Dr. Phil - $30M
Adam Sandler - $30M
Judge Judy - $30M
George Lopez - $26M
George Clooney - $25M
Vince Vaughn - $25M
Regis Philbin - $21M
Angelina Jolie - $20M
Justin Timberlake - $20M
Larry the Cable Guy - $20M
Tyra Banks - $18M
Rachael Ray - $16M
Ryan Seacrest - $14M
Wolfgang Puck - $13M
Hilary Duff - $12M
Barbara Walters - $12M
Jeff Foxworthy - $10M
Julia Roberts - $9M
Jessica Alba - $9M
Emeril Lagasse - $9M
Dane Cook - $9M
Jessica Simpson - $7M
Bill Clinton - $7M
Reese Witherspoon - $7M
Mitch Albom - $6M
Scarlett Johansson - $5M
Dakota Fanning - $4M
Paula Deen - $4M


posted by jc @ 11:01 PM, No comment,

Bob Barker Finale: A Snooze

If you were looking for a big send-off for Bob Barker, you would have been very appointed. Barker's last episode of the "Price Is Right" aired last night and was just your average show. There were no huge prizes or special tributes for the longtime host. Barker simply ended the show by thanking everyone for tuning in all these years.

While the show itself was short on tributes, the Daytime Emmy's, which aired right after, was one big tribute to Barker. He was given his 19th Emmy for best game show host at the top of the show. Later on, Dr. Phil paid tribute to him, while several presenters commented on his retiring throughout the night.

So far, no word on Barker's replacement. CBS weatherman Dave Price, actor/game show host John O'Hurley, actor George Hamilton, E! host Todd Newton and Entertainment Tonight's Mark Steines are all rumored to be in the running for the gig.


posted by jc @ 5:40 PM, No comment,

"Deal or No Deal" Heads to Daytime

Howie Mandel has had a change of heart. The host of NBC's popular "Deal or No Deal" has decided to host a daytime, syndicated version of the show. According to TV Week, the strip will launch in fall 2008. Mandel and NBC Universal were in negotiations for months and for a while, it looked like Mandel wasn't up for the daytime show. But the two sides have reached an agreement that will pay Mandel "several million dollars a year." So far, there has been no decision on whether the show will be a half-hour or an hour. NBC Universal is also distributing the new Steve Wilkos talk show and Reel Talk, a weekly movie review show. Both of those shows will launch this fall.


posted by jc @ 10:32 PM, No comment,


The saga continues! Police picked up Paris Hilton at her house today, cuffed her and brought her back to court. When she got there, she was met by a sea of paparazzi who chased her police car down the road to get pictures of her. Too bad for them. She was whisked in through a back door and after a quick session, the judge ordered her back to jail to finish the remainder of her sentence.

The cable news nets offered classic over-the-top live coverage of this story. FOX News broke out the split screen. One the left, KCBS live aerials of Paris' cop car on its way to jail. On the right, a KTTV feed of the crazed paparazzi waiting at the courthouse. MSNBC had great aerials of Paris hugging her family at her house before heading off to court. They also caught Paris' mom arriving at the courthouse. Things got crazy as police pushed the photogs out of the way. One NBC reporter got a little roughed up. As we awaited the verdict, MSNBC also showed some video from EXTRA, which was an exclusive look inside Paris' house. The video was taken a few months ago and you'd be shocked at how many pictures Paris has of herself. One of them was blown up to gigantic proportions and was hanging in the middle of a room. CNN didn't stay on Paris the whole time like the other netowrks, but I did see the above picture of the heiress on CNN first. It shows her crying her eyes out in the squad car as she was hauled into court.

After the proceedings were finished, a brief press conference was held. Upon hearing that Paris is gojng back to jail, one wise ass screamed out "nooooo!" and pretended to cry. Reporters quickly told him to "shut up." Talk about a circus. And it only gets better. Turns out baby Paris cried out for her mommy in court as she learned her fate. We all can't stand Paris Hilton. But how fun is it seeing her get screwed over?! One thing's for sure: this story is FAR from over!


posted by jc @ 3:45 PM, No comment,


Further proof that the legal system in this country is flawed: Paris Hilton is let out of jail after serving only three days behind bars. Sheriffs held a press conference this morning, saying the no-talent socialite was let out because of "medical issues." They would not say what those issues are. (Rumor has it, she had a meltdown in jail and had to meet with a shrink several times.) Hilton has been fitted with an ankle bracelet and will serve 40 days confined in her mansion. Some punishment and a great message to send. She drove drunk and could have killed someone and she gets out after three days. It just goes to show, that if you have money you will get special treatment. Just shameful.


posted by jc @ 10:30 AM, No comment,

Paris Hilton Gets Slammed at MTV Awards

Paris Hilton may be going to jail this week, but that didn't stop her from attending last night's MTV Movie Awards. Before the show, she spilled her guts to the press, saying she's scared about going to jail, but she's hoping to set an example to young people.

While Paris may have gotten a warm reception before the awards, she was given a verbal smackdown by host Sarah Silverman once inside. As soon as the comedian brought up the fact that Paris was going to jail, the audience burst into applause. The camera panned to Paris, who was looking none too thrilled. But that was only the beginning of the fun.

Silverman went on to joke that the guards are going to paint the prison bars to look like penises to make her look more comfortable. "I just worry she's going to break her teeth on those things," Silverman joked. The crowd, including Jack Nicholson, roared with laughter. The camera once again panned over to Paris, who looked more pissed than ever.

Gotta love live teleivison. Good for Sarah Silverman for having the balls to give it to Paris right in front of her face. No one deserves to be made an ass of more than Paris.

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posted by jc @ 2:20 AM, No comment,

"Knocked Up"

If you've ever had a one-night stand, then "Knocked Up" is your worst nightmare come true. Seth Rogan plays Ben Stone, a young guy who's best friend is his bong. He lives with his stoner friends, who like to party just as hard as he does. None of them have jobs, although they are trying to launch a Mr.Skin-like Website. Slobby Ben and one of his buds are out at a bar when he runs into Alison, played by Katherine Heigl. Katherine is a huge success. She's beautiful, has a great job and is basically everything that Ben is not. Despite being complete opposites, the two get drunk and have a one-night stand. The next morning, Alison realizes what a pig Ben is and decides never to see him again. That's until she realizes that she is pregnant with his child.

"Knocked Up" follows Ben and Alison as they prepare for the baby and try to make their "relationship" work. Their conflicting personalities don't help matters and neither does Alison's overbearing sister who's stuck in a relationship with a man she should have never married.

"Knocked Up" is written and directed by Judd Apatow, who also wrote "The 40-Year-Old Virgin." Once again, he proves himself a brilliant comedy writer in this movie, which has plenty of laughs, mostly at the expense of Ben's stoner friends. There were a few downfalls. "Knocked Up" runs about 20 minutes too long. Ben also takes a rather pointless trip to Las Vegas, which should have been cut out of the movie. Despite it's few flaws, The Daily Edition does recommend "Knocked Up." It's one of those funny beginning summer flicks, like "American Pie" that everyone's going to be talking about for years to come.

Grade: A-


posted by jc @ 9:15 AM, No comment,

WeekEnder: May 27- June 2

A man flies on two trans-Atlantic flights knowing he had a rare strain of Tuberculosis. 31-year-old Andrew Speaker claims doctors never told him that he couldn't fly, while doctors claim he was given a no-fly order. Wearing a mask,m Speaker spoke with GMA's Diane Sawyer on Friday. He said he never thought other were at risk for catching his deadly disease. He also apologized for any "grief or pain" that he caused.

  • Jack Kevorkian, aka "Dr. Death," was let out of prison after serving eight years for performing suicides for sick patients.
  • Rapper 50 Cent makes 400 million dollars after Coca Cola buys a brand of vitamin water he invested in.
  • New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez is photographed running around with a stripper in Canada. A day later, he was found walking the busy streets of Boston holding hands with his wife. He then ate dinner with her at a window seat of a restaurant. As A-rod dined, he waved at the media who were glad to participate in this obvious photo op.
  • Very troubled actress Lindsay Lohan enters rehab for the second time this year after crashing her car in California. Lohan's dad, who is no angel himself, says his 20-year-old daughter is addicted to alcohol and the painkiller OxyContin.
  • New pictures of a very sick Tammy Faye Bakker were shown on ET/The Insider. She's down to a thin 60 pounds and appears to be down to her last days. Her cancer is incurable.
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    posted by jc @ 8:07 AM, No comment,

    Kidney Show Was a Hoax!

    It got got tons of press this week for being so over-the-top. A Dutch reality show was going to hook up a dying woman with a recipient for her kidneys. Turns out the whole this was a hoax to bring attention to the shortage of donor organs in the Netherlands.

    Just before "The Big Donor Show" was set to air producers Endemol, who also produce "Big Brother," admitted the woman staring the reality show was just a healthy actress. But the contestants who were trying to win kidneys are very real and still in need of kidneys. Everyone knew the show was a hoax before they agreed to participate.

    "In staging this program, our goal has been to prompt a debate about this crisis in the Netherlands," said Paul Romer, the director of Endemol Netherlands. "In fact the impact of this has gone far wider than we imagined. This is an issue that goes beyond Dutch borders and across Europe. The message we want to send is that people need to take action now and fill in a donor card."


    posted by jc @ 7:33 AM, No comment,


    MTV, Mondays 10pm/ET

    Based on a popular documentary film, this weekly series follows people who are in online relationships. They meet their longtime loves with the help of the show, but things aren't always what they seem.

    If you listen to the Howard Stern show, the you already know that Jon Hein is the biggest fan of fast food around. Join Jon as he checks out the best places to chow down for cheap on this new show on the new network, Destination America. If you're not craving something greasing after watch this show, then something is wrong with you.

    Syndicated, Weekdays/ET
    Trisha Goddard hosted talk shows overseas for years. Now, she's the star of her own show, a spin-off of Maury, here in the states. Topics have included a man with 5 wives and women who eat strange objects like drywall and dirt.


    The Daily Edition blog brings you the stories you'll be talking about at the water cooler. Follow The Daily Edition on Twitter: @JCers.

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    The Trisha Goodard Show and The Steve Harvey Show have both been renewed for second seasons. Renewal is not looking promising for Jeff Probst and Ricki Lake.

    The Bill Cunningham Show has been renewed for a third season.

    Howard Stern has signed on for a second season of America's Got Talent.

    Kate Middleton is pregnant with her first child.

    Anderson Cooper's talk show, "Anderson Live," has been cancelled due to low ratings. New shows will air thru summer 2013.

    Arsenio Hall will return to the world of syndicated late night tv talk in 2013.

    HBO has renewed "Veep" and "Girls" for second seasons.



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